Thursday 8 June 2023

"Some Of It's Even From The Students..."

In the past couple of years, the insecurity in people’s lives has been getting worse and worse – and it’s affecting their behaviour. You see learners breaking down in tears because they are so overwhelmed, or they are venting their anger and frustration.
Since we came back on-site post-lockdown, behaviour is worse than it has ever been. Every staff member that I have spoken to agrees. There has been spitting, foul language, littering, disregard for shared spaces and teachers’ authority – it’s shocking.
What could possibly have given these students a lack of respect for, well, everything? 

It must be a hangover from covid restrictions, right? It couldn't be anything else...


Scrobs. said...

Guardian readers will all nod knowingly.

Normal citizens will shrug their shoulders and tell the kids to 'just get on with it'.

The Blair/Brown years of getting kids into useless uni 'education' and off the unemployment lists, and telling the parents to pay for the 'privilege' is now coming home to roost!

JuliaM said...

"The Blair/Brown years of getting kids into useless uni 'education' and off the unemployment lists, and telling the parents to pay for the 'privilege' is now coming home to roost!"

In spades...