Sunday 21 January 2024

She Should Have Ordered The 'Death By Chocolate' Instead...

Or...maybe not!


Anonymous said...


Milk allergy (very different to the psychosomatic “lactose intolerance” claimed by so many lead-swingers) is very real, begins in childhood (about 1-3% of all infants show some sign, <0.5% of breastfed infants though), causes varying symptoms up to and including anaphylaxis in a minority (10-19% of all emergency anaphylactic emergencies are from it, third only after peanuts and sea-food and for the same reasons, it is used in almost everything you eat, or use now – even paint. So only by cooking everything themselves, from base ingredients, can they be sure, and then it’s trusting the ingredients manufacturers/suppliers even then. Forget about ‘eating out’!).

So she has a ‘severe’ milk allergy but wants tiramasu? In a restaurant?!

There ‘are’ ways and means of making a ‘vegan’ one (well something vaguely approximating it, if you’d never seen or heard of, let alone eaten, the real thing), but it isn’t easy, and I’m not aware of any ‘specifically commercially manufactured ingredients’, let alone whole products (though I could be wrong).

If this is as reported (and considering modern ‘journalism’ that’s a stretch at best) then it’s probably more likely that the poor “cooks” bought ingredients listed as vegan that had casein or whey proteins used somewhere in their manufacture (as emulsifying agents or thickeners, they’re used in almost everything now), rather than blithely, and with ‘murderous intent’ using cream and real mascarpone.

But … being who I am, and having lived through the last couple of years, why was my immediate thought with a 20 year old with experience managing her condition (who can only do that by being infinitely pedantic about not just ingredients but the sources, and documentation of them – I have personally seen one demand access to a kitchen, and checking the labels on the bottles and jars … for good reason) who just … “died suddenly”, was … “I wonder what her ‘vax’ status was”?

Is my cynicism showing again?

JuliaM said...

"So only by cooking everything themselves, from base ingredients, can they be sure, and then it’s trusting the ingredients manufacturers/suppliers even then. Forget about ‘eating out’!"

It's astounding how many people seem to be happy to play Russian Roulette with a JustEat account, isn't it?