Monday 15 January 2024

Well, This Government Is Fond Of Legislation On The Hoof...

Last night, Home Secretary James Cleverly furiously lambasted 'do-gooders' who attempt to block the deportation of foreign criminals.
'The vast majority of the British people think convicted, violent thugs should be deported,' he told the MoS. 'My mission is to keep the British people safe. We must be able to remove offenders from our country without interference from misguided and ill-informed do-gooders.' why not bring in jail terms for those who do this? Since it seems you can't rely on the airlines to take action.
A source close to the Home Secretary indicated the Government is examining new measures to stop passengers blocking deportation flights and to speed up removals.
'This is an outrageous situation,' they said. 'We will be looking at new ways to handle this issue.'
Just ensure any airline that refuses to fly them out loses their license to operate, James. Job done!


ivan said...

The alternative would be for the RAF to take a Hercules load and drop them in their country - maybe from a few hundred feet up.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here?

If 'I' attempted to prevent a police officer, or any government employee, from 'doing their job' I would be in stir so quick my head would spin. Yet here ... crickets.

If I prevented an airline from operating, caused a(n even) minor "ruckus" on a plane, I would be booted out and probably be banned from flying (with 'any' airline) in perpetuity (and that's 'after' I was arrested, imprisoned and fined). Yet here. zero, zip, nada.

Perhaps, just perhaps, treating the virtue-signalling, NIMBY, "criminals" as ... I don't know, maybe criminals, would soon bring a stop to this sort of thing.

Just a thought.

[It's perhaps a good thing that I haven't been on any of these flights as I 'suspect' I 'would' have been arrested/fined/banned for ... (the charge sheet reads) "maliciously and with enthusiasm, beating 'innocent' protesters to a pulp with his carry-on". Which makes me wonder, what percentage of the passengers was involved, and just what the "demographics of that group was - I just bet they weren't white, British, Christian men though].

Judd said...

Its all eyewash, 3/4 of a million legal immigrants arrived last year, that they know of, meanwhile everyone's taking part in the boat farce the Rwanda diversion farce (Rwanda will never happen it was never meant to happen) and getting their knickers in a twist that a handful of half wits stopped an airplane leaving and a convicted criminal from being deported.
We're being played like we always are.

Simple cure for half wits, remove them from the aircraft by force and put them on a no fly list so no airline will carry them ever again as long as they live.
Its called consequences and would concentrate a few otherwise empty minds.

It won't happen because whilst all this eyewash is taking place, this years 3/4+ of a million are already arriving and they don't want anyone talking about it.

Not to worry, the sheep will go out later in the year and vote like they always do for the Uniparty, and once again they'll be amazed when the Uniparty gets in and just like every other election they get the govt they voted for.


JuliaM said...

"The alternative would be for the RAF to take a Hercules load and drop them in their country..."

That works for me!

"Which makes me wonder, what percentage of the passengers was involved, and just what the "demographics of that group was - I just bet they weren't white, British, Christian men though"

The one who went on record about it was a typical highly-educated, but lacking in common sense, white female. No doubt she works in HR somewhere.

"It won't happen because whilst all this eyewash is taking place, this years 3/4+ of a million are already arriving and they don't want anyone talking about it."

And now they can work, thanks to a Home Office decision, even more will arrive.