Sunday 26 May 2024

Running Out Of Ideas...

It's been a bad week for some iconic firms who have shown they have finally run out of ideas - much like a certain political party

First up, it's the poular crystal-ornament firm Swarovski (and full disclosure here, Ive been known to buy their animal sulptures, particularly the big cats). they've gone from simple clear crystal to colour versions in the last few years, and now appear to gave run out of road with this latest offering:

And then, my favourite supermarket has a rather odd movie tie-in for all pet owners:


DiscoveredJoys said...

Curiously I liked Lego far more when it had just rectangular bricks, flat bases and tiny wheels. All the extra weird shaped bits destroyed the 'purity' of the kit for me.

JuliaM said...

"Curiously I liked Lego far more when it had just rectangular bricks, flat bases and tiny wheels."

They do seem to have veered away from their original gameplan, don't they? You can get Lego flowers now!