Sunday 2 June 2024

Still No Spellchecker, 'Echo'..?

It's been a long time since I visited the pages of the Southend 'Echo'...nice to see some things don't change!  


Anonymous said...

Could be worse. They could have referred to the race as a 'marafon'.

Mac said...

Spel chequer? Gramner? If you haven't already watched this, you may enjoy it.
Send to all newspaper editors perhaps?

Anonymous said...

A woman born with cystic fibrosis running 36 consecutive marathons is a pretty good story though.


JuliaM said...

"Could be worse. They could have referred to the race as a 'marafon'."

It wouldn't have surprised me!

"If you haven't already watched this, you may enjoy it."

Heh! Love a bit or Weird Al, and that's a great video. Features some of my pet hates too, especially eXpresso! Fingernails on a blackboard time whenever I hear that...

"A woman born with cystic fibrosis running 36 consecutive marathons is a pretty good story though."

Genuine good news stories seem comparatively rare these days...