Monday 14 October 2024

No, Maya, They Only Executed Him Once…

Maya Foa, joint executive director of the human rights group Reprieve, said that Alabama was typical of the increasingly extreme lengths to which death penalty states are prepared to go.

Such as? 

“They’re telling themselves that executing people twice is fine, no matter how much the person suffered the first time. And that a man thrashing and gasping on the gurney for 10 minutes as he desperately fights for life is a ‘textbook’ nitrogen gas execution.”

No-one gets executed twice, Maya. And is he alive now? No? Well then, that's indeed a 'textbook executuion', since that's the entire purpose of one.  


Pils said...

Didn't the EU impose restrictions on the export of drugs used to carry out lethal injections for the purpose of executions?

Hence we can humanely euthenize large animals and humans, but "humans" executed by lethal injection have to suffer.

Still not all bad considering what these "humans" have done and pretty sure most won't be losing any sleep over it.

Andy5759 said...

I seem to recall that there was a British company exporting an effective chemical means of execution to the USA. When exports were banned (cos yooman rites) less effective methods were used.

DiscoveredJoys said...

I expect there are some people (such as the relatives of a murder victim) who are secretly happy that a convicted murderer suffers from a drawn out execution.

Of course it is unwoke to admit this - yet very few will express forgiveness, rare enough to be reported in the Press.