Tuesday 15 October 2024

Why Do They Love The Dangerous Breeds?

Police were searching Jade Hubbard’s house in Gregory Street in Sudbury for the suspect of another crime when her dog bit one of the officers on the arm. The defendant, 36, was “obnoxious, abusive and obstructive”, Judge Martyn Levett said, and she refused to tell police where the suspect was - but they found him hiding in a cupboard.
The dog is to be destroyed, and an order was made for Hubbard to be disqualified from owning a dog.

Sadly, they can't disqualify her from associating with criminals. And it's a toss up who was more of a dangerous breed anyway: 

Hubbard was also sentenced for a “devastating” assault on another woman in Sudbury.
Judge Levett said Hubbard screamed “do you want me to rip your nose off?” and then bit the victim’s left arm and would not let go.

Perhaps she should be taking that final trip to the vets too? 

Hubbard previously admitted all the offences and the court heard she has a very extensive history of criminality. Judge Levett described her 113 previous convictions as “record breaking” and added this was her 56th court appearance.
“I know of no other case where the courts have passed every conceivable sentence but nothing seems to stop you from reoffending," said Judge Levett. For the dog attack, Hubbard received an eight-month jail sentence and for the assault she received a consecutive 16-month sentence.

Well, I'm sure that'll sort her out... 

H/T: TedHectorMess via Twitter

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