Saturday, 22 March 2025

Entertainment Or Propaganda?

Stephen Graham has revealed the two harrowing real-life incidents that inspired his new Netflix hit Adolescence, recalling that they made his 'heart hurt'.As an executive producer on the show, which aired on Thursday, Stephen, 51, said the idea for the series came to him from looking at the epidemic of knife crime in the UK.

Did it really?  

'Look, it started when I read an article, and it was an article about a young boy who'd stabbed a young girl to death, and it just, you know, it made me feel cold.
'And then a couple of months later, there was a piece on the news, and it was about a young boy who'd stabbed a young girl to death, and if I'm really honest with you, they hurt my heart.

’Young boy’ is all the description of the perpetrator you’ll get. Note that. 

'And these two incidents were opposite ends of the country. And I just thought, "Why? Why is this happening?"'Not just because I'm a father, but I think any kind of human being with an ounce of moral compass can look at that kind of situation and think, "What's happening? What's going on with society today that we're in?"'

Well, it's certainly made him a few pennies. And the critics are raving about it.  

Co-stars and critics alike have praised Owen, 15, for his chilling performance, and Stephen was so impressed at the young British actor's first audition, that he's since revealed he turned to co-writer Jack Thorne when Owen left the room and said 'I think that's him'.

Strange then, because this is him: 

 So, why cast him? 

And yes, I've had a progressive idiot on FaceBook say he was cast so Graham could play his father, but I thought mixed race families were usually all the rage in TVland? 

So that feeble excuse hardly holds water, does it?

It’s as if Netflix decided to do a film on the brutal mauling death of Ian Price, and showed him being savaged by a pair of cocker spaniels…


DiscoveredJoys said...

Propatainment or enterganada. There's no clear separation.

Anonymous said...

It is outrageous that they cast a white person for the role of a stabby darkie...

However, having watched it I have to say that Owen was incredible in the role...

Andy5759 said...

I thought that there was some sort of embargo on pale hued actors playing duskier characters.

Robert the Biker said...

Now, now, cant have the murderous piece of shit be a nog, people might get the idea that it was someone other than Whites being the villains of the piece. Dat bees waycism, it our culcha innit.

Macheath said...

Since much is currently being made in the media of Stephen Graham’s mixed race heritage (and, inevitably, the abuse it led to during his childhood), there should have been no issue with casting a mixed race boy in the role of his son.

Mark said...

It would appear that - from a number of reviews/articles (startling contrast to comments on blogs like this) - the party line is that this is a consequence of "incel culture" and the answer is to crack down on online "influencers".

Is there no depth of hate filled degeneracy to which they will not sink?

Rhetorical question!