Sunday 31 December 2023


...or should that have been 'doe'..? Not that Faye is probably any better at nomenclature than she is at plurals.


Anonymous said...

Illiterate journalists aside, deer do seem to have a death wish when it comes to crossing the road. I've had several near misses and just one incident when, after some frantic braking, I clipped one on the behind. The car was undamaged and the deer ran off apparently unharmed.

John Tee said...

Perhaps it should have read, " ... driver hit two old dears."?

JuliaM said...

"...deer do seem to have a death wish when it comes to crossing the road. "

They do indeed, and the damage they can do when you hit one is astounding.

"Perhaps it should have read, " ... driver hit two old dears."?"


Judd said...

My county, Northamptonshire, deer are always getting hit.
The county woodlands have been ripped apart by the thousands of acres to be replaced by warehouses stuffed to the rafters with Chinese tat or barrack style houses for accommodation for the workers therein and/or white flight.

I see the poor blighters in the wee small hours when i go to work wandering aimlessly looking for their long lost home stamping grounds or their mate who was probably wiped out within the last few days, i'm referring to the deer here but maybe not just them.

My County is rapidly resembling hell, but without the warmth.

JuliaM said...

"i'm referring to the deer here but maybe not just them."

Good point!