Tuesday, 24 December 2024

No, Judge, I Don't Think So....

Urfan Sharif and Beinash Batool used the right to keep evidence of Sara’s beatings ‘beyond the gaze of the authorities’ in her final months, the judge said. Yesterday the Government introduced a new Bill to Parliament which will block parents home schooling automatically if the child is suspected of being at risk of significant harm.

Yes, Reader, no doubt - like me - you’re astonished that this wasn’t already a factor. But it wasn’t. 

But the Children’s Commissioner said the proposed legislation must go further, as it would not have helped Sara in its current form.

What would, one wonders? Could it possibly have been 'public sector workers doing their jobs like they are supposed to'..?

Mr Justice Cavanagh said: ‘This case brings into sharp relief the dangers of unsupervised home schooling of vulnerable children.’ The Bill introduced in the wake of her murder will block parents’ automatic right to home school if they are subject to a child protection plan.
Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson described the Bill as a ‘seminal moment for child protection’. But Sara was not subject to social care intervention measures when she died, meaning it would not have blocked the home schooling.

/facepalm. Don't worry folks, we'll get the next one for sure!  

Dame Rachel de Souza said: ‘The Bill must therefore go further in protecting children like her, making it impossible for a child ever known to social care for abuse or neglect to be home schooled.

We can call this 'stable door' legislation, Reader. 

Meanwhile, the judge in the trial has gone on an unhinged rant about the desire of the press to find out and publish the names of the public sector workers who failed this child. Because heaven forfend there should ever be consequences for screwing up! 

Hey, Williams, if they wanted iron-clad protection for incompetence, they could always go into the judiciary...  


Anonymous said...

I fear, that after parents actually found out the leftist drivel during covid. The powers that be are using anything they can to try and stop people home schooling. What they clearly neglect to realise that these cases are rare, hence they make mainstream news.

Anonymous said...

This is how they will stop right wing people home schooling their children to be independent thinkers. Few weeks ago someone phoned Talkradio and said that she homeschooling her child gets a visit from the authorities almost on a weekly basis. But she was white and there was thus no islamophobia threat to those visits.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Stable door legislation... but if imposed we shall find only the top leaf of the stable door is bolted and the lower leaf left open.

Komakino75 said...

A few years there was case in Bradford, Keighley to be exact which is six fingered country, where Star Hobson was murdered by her mum's "traveller" lesbian lover. It's already like something out of The League of Gentlemen.

Obviously "father" nowhere to be seen until compo face time in the local rag. Yet the extended family of her "mother", who had serious learning difficulties, tried to intervene by taking Star out of that environment by force, then by the proper channels...guess what, lesbian traveller rights trump a vulnerable toddler's!

Yet Bradford MDC is on the verge of bankruptcy partly due to child care social costs. Where does all that money go? On generational 1st cousin marriages...

However people outside of city think they know how bad it is here, it's worse...

Anonymous said...

Very little mention of the murders immigration status and how he ( like thousands of others) played our weak system to stay here . Ssshhhh !!

JuliaM said...

Rare and in this case utterly predictable. But can't blame the culture, so have to look for something else.

JuliaM said...

Cannot allow children to escape the propaganda factory!

JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...

And Bradford will be 'City of Culture' in 2025! I think they must mean the sort one finds in a Petri dish.

JuliaM said...

We don't want any more riots!