Saturday, 21 December 2024

Why Have You Told Us For Years That It Is, Then?

And more to the point, why are you telling us something different now?

The list of problems inherited from the Conservatives by Keir Starmer is long, but near the top is how to respond to record levels of net migration.

Is it because Starmer is now getting it in the neck? Well, that's one of the drawbacks of no longer being in opposition - the buck stops where now, Larry? 

Starmer has pledged to reduce the economy’s dependency on foreign workers, yet he will need them if he is to have any hope of hitting the government’s target of building 1.5m new homes in England in the current parliament. The construction industry says an additional 251,000 skilled workers will be required in the next five years and there simply aren’t enough UK-born plumbers, bricklayers and electricians to meet the expected demand. The same applies to the target that 92% of patients in England should be waiting no longer than 18 weeks for elective treatment. There is not the time to train more domestic doctors and nurses, so without the NHS being able to recruit from overseas, waiting lists will not come down as planned.

And are we to believe the government doesn't know this? So, they are lying, Larry. Aren't they?

It is because migration is so complex and contentious that those who highlight the possible downsides of migration need to have their voices heard.

Then why have you shouted them down with cries of 'racist!' for the last few years? And why have you changed your tune now

...the list of those concerned starts at the top with the prime minister, who said that the latest figures were “off the scale”. Starmer is right about that. If the OBR is correct, by the end of this parliament migration will have boosted the UK’s population by 4 million in just eight years. The idea that this can happen without economic effects, without political ramifications and without the public noticing is for the birds.

It's because Starmer's in trouble, isn't it? 


John Tee said...

So, we need migrants so that we can build the houses we wouldn't need if we didn't have migrants?

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the next lot of small boat invaders will claim to be brickies, electricians, plumbers, or carpenters, rather than children or homosexuals? And does this mean that the numpties in government will let them all in? I can imagine TTK and the Ginger Growler's building plans will concentrate on more 4 star hotels for those coming after this lot.

John Tee said...

I doubt anyone objects to a few foreign doctors and nurse. If they can speak English. How many of those four million are doctors or nurses I wonder.

I wonder if we would need migrant doctors and nurses if we didn't have ... erm ... four million migrants?

And I wonder at the morality of having a health service that relies on strip mining trained doctors and nurses from the third world countries that probably need them even more than we do.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if comments are enabled?

Anonymous said...

Aren't we just reaping what Tony Blair was sowing back in the nineties and noughties when he decided that every kid should go to uni to do pointless thing studies instead of learning useful skills?

Lord T said...

So we will allow another million in and most will go straight on the dole. If we got rid of thew detritus and imported brickies etc. then it would make sense but we won't.

We have plenty unemployed now. No dole for them unless they sign up for a training course in what we are short of.

Doonhamer said...

By the way 'n' that. The brick size should never have been reduced. Now it needs more bricks and more brickie actions to produce the same area of wall.
And an other thing. Why do brickies not get a university education like other valued members of our community?

JuliaM said...

The politics of the madhouse, isn't it?

JuliaM said...

Probably correct on both counts! And certainly right about our woeful 'government' too....

JuliaM said...

That's an argument that should really be advanced more often.

JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...

We'll be reaping that for DECADES to come...

JuliaM said...

I really don't want a future retirement home built by unmotivated press-ganged labour, do you?

JuliaM said...

Judging by all the building going on in my area (recently discovered another huge block of flats going up further up the District Line than my station, so even less chance of getting a seat in the morning soon), we have plenty of brickies.