Monday, 11 May 2009

"I'm going to tell you something really outrageous. I'm going to tell you the truth."

Wealthy Wall Street financiers and other business figures provided crucial support for Mr Obama during the election, backing him over the Republican candidate John McCain as the right leader to rescue the collapsing US economy.

But it is now dawning on many among them that Mr Obama was serious about his campaign trail promises to bring root and branch reform to corporate America - and that they were more than just election rhetoric.
Ooops! Looks like you voted a fox into the henhouse, on account of you thought it was really another one of the chickens.

Sucks to be you guys....


Macheath said...

I'm reminded of the old cliche of smuggling a real pearl necklace in a consignment of fake ones.

Just goes to show what a slick political operator the man is.

Vetnurse said...

Well as he is a politician l do not like him on principle but l do find it hysterical if they have helped him in and he does reform them.

Anonymous said...

I do find it hysterical if they have helped him in and he does reform them.What a silly comment

He is a person who supported the Community Reinvestment Act and was engaged in legal actions to force banks to make sub prime loans. The sort of sub prime loans that turned bad and caused the current crisis.

Given that his government interventionism is a major factor in the current problem, how on earth do you see him as the person to fix things?

Every socialist enacts policies which have unforeseen consequences. Those consequences are used as justification for yet more government interventionism. thus the ratchet effect.

Dr Evil said...

Didn't they realise Barry was a socialist? He didn't take a lucrative job offer as a young grad, but did work with underprivilaged folk in Chicago. That took some resolve.

They have sown the wind........

Umbongo said...


"He didn't take a lucrative job offer as a young grad, but did work with underprivilaged folk in Chicago."

Indeed he did. But this was evidently a concious decision not to create wealth by entering the private sector but to redistribute wealth by entering politics as, in his case, a "community activist" (ie the US equivalent of something useful and productive like "diversity champion" in the UK).

Of course, manipulating the Chicago political machine to fund Michelle's $300,000 pa non-job in the public health system (which she dropped as soon as she could and, funnily enough, the funding ceased simultaneously) was a symptom of his less than straightforward way with taxpayers' money. But, hey, he's a Democrat along with all the Wall Street types beginning to moan that Obama meant what he said about "reform" (ie change but not necessarily for the better). Why is anyone surprised?

Vetnurse said...

Anonymous l am glad you find it silly you may learn what humour is. And as far as l am concerned the whole mess was caused by greed and incompetence all round, bankers and politicians. As to fix things don't be a pratt sweetie no modern politician has ever fixed anything.

Anonymous said...

He may be a "socialist" in the American sense, but fuck me is it that outrageous to try to nail the corporations squirreling their profits overseas to avoid tax?

Just like us they're skint, and Obama seems as in love of spending money as the snotgobbler...

JuliaM said...

"Just goes to show what a slick political operator the man is."

Up until now, he has been. I think he's finally reached a post where he's got nowhere to go once it all starts to fall apart though.

" modern politician has ever fixed anything."

Can't argue with that...

"He may be a "socialist" in the American sense, but fuck me is it that outrageous to try to nail the corporations squirreling their profits overseas to avoid tax?"

Not if you plan to ensure that you'll soon have no more corporations doing, well, pretty much of anything, no. But then, I suspect that's been the plan all along...

Sue said...

I can't believe they didn't know he was another Gordon Brown! They're going to be in a right old mess like us in a couple of years!

North Northwester said...

" modern politician has ever fixed anything."

Mrs. Thatcher fixed the unions, more than Britain's fair share of the Soviet Union, the value of the pound and for a while her administration stopped destroying the productive sector.

We can fix things. All you have to do is ignore the entire political class.