Monday 25 May 2009

Satire To Real Life: 'I Give Up, Stop Hurting Me!'

As noted by both leg-iron and Obo, the news that the Chancellor of the Exchequer, of all people, is among the MPs soaking the taxpayer for accountancy help to fill in their tax returns is, I feel, the straw that broke the camel's back.

After breaking all its legs and giving it a damned hard rogering, that is...


Jeff Wood said...

It is one of the Revenue's repertoire of tricks, when investigating a company's Accounts, to enquire whether the Audit Fee includes preparation of the Directors' personal tax returns.

If the answer is yes, the Inspector has his Aha! moment, and an excuse to go into everything else.

Time Darling got a working over from the Revenue; though I sem to remember Christopher Booker exposing a blanket exemption for MPs from the tiresome tax rules the rest of us are subject to. It may have been the 2003 Taxes Act.

JuliaM said...

"Time Darling got a working over from the Revenue..."

if you like. Me, I'd rather he got a working over from guys by the name of Big Vern and Tommy Fingers, myself...