Saturday 7 November 2009

Because CiF Will Surely Zap This One...

...a reply to Eleanor Gore's CiF article:
Alongside the disturbing trends in disability poverty and discrimination revealed by our survey, many of the disabled people reported improvements in their experiences. Paradoxically, increasing discrimination in the workplace and in access to goods and services - and unacceptable levels of disability hate crime - were coupled with a sense that, when it comes to discrimination, things are simply "not as bad as they used to be.."
How dare these people take the view that 'things are simply not as bad as they used to be..'

How very dare they?!

Why, how is someone like you to make a living from the disability focus groups and charities and campaigns and forums and lecture circuit if people stubbonly believe that things aren't that bad after all?

They are taking the food right out of your mouth, so they are...


Mark Wadsworth said...

Pshaw! What do those disabled people know about anything? They need spokespeople to keep reminding them that "more can be done"!

Quiet_Man said...

Wont somebody think of the cheeldren?

It's not nice for the righteous to find they aren't wanted or needed, no doubt they'll try harder, find another group, or falsify the surveys to give the right results the next time.

dr cromarty said...

She works for the leonard Cheshire Foundation. God knows what the late Group Captain would have made of Ms Gore....

JuliaM said...

"They need spokespeople to keep reminding them that "more can be done"!"


" doubt they'll try harder, find another group, or falsify the surveys to give the right results the next time."

I'm surprised they didn't indulge in a little maddaging of these stats before release.

"She works for the leonard Cheshire Foundation. God knows what the late Group Captain would have made of Ms Gore...."

I doubt it was what he was thinking his foundation would do...

banned said...

The disability access crowd must be really pleased with their towering achievement of ensuring equal access to all in commercial premises offering facilities to the public.
That is the reason why most WCs in petrol stations have closed their doors to the public over the last decade. Not that it did the disabled much good but at least the law is being obeyed.