Monday, 19 July 2010

Chutzpah, Thy Name Is....

Janet Street-Porter. Writing in the 'Indy', she opines:
Walk around some city streets and you sense low-level aggression. People are more upfront when something annoys them. They scream and they swear.
Well, she should know...
No further action will be taken against broadcaster Janet Street- Porter over claims that she racially abused a neighbour of her Clerkenwell home. The former newspaper editor was told by police today its inquiries had ended. Street-Porter, 60, was arrested and questioned on 16 January in connection with an alleged racially aggravated offence.


Unknown said...

Funny how things come back to bite you on the bum, isn't it.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Excellent spot :-)

TDK said...

Walk around some city streets and you sense low-level aggression. People are more upfront when something annoys them. They scream and they swear.

Kids have always been like that. Old people are becoming more intolerant. This is a moral panic set in train by right wing newspapers. Daily Mail/Express. Crime is getting less.

Any more Guardian clichés?


Off topic: the verification word was "minger". Really Julia!

Greencoat said...

Nice catch, Julia.

Lefties have preached for years that self-restraint and good manners are 'middle-class' trappings meant to make 'poor' people feel inferior.

But now the yobbo chickens are roosting down Lefty Way, it's a diffrent story.

JuliaM said...

"Funny how things come back to bite you on the bum, isn't it."

Oh, sooner or later, they always do...

"Off topic: the verification word was "minger". "


"But now the yobbo chickens are roosting down Lefty Way, it's a diffrent story."

More please, faster!

Dredd, Judge Joseph said...

Back of the net, Julia! You just can't make stuff like this up!