Sunday, 6 February 2011

Is There A More Depressing 'Mail' Paragraph Than This?

False rape claim aside, Lucy’s ­behaviour is far from unusual, ­according to survey after survey, poll after poll, which almost always come up with the same depressing statistic: the average teenager in Britain today has slept with at least three people by the age of 16; ‘at least three’.
Granted, they don't all then go on to accuse their sexual partner of rape. But even so...

Oh, wait. I just found a few more depressing paragraphs:
Lucy’s parents say that despite the ­conviction, they believe Lucy’s account of the rape.

‘It’s affected her school grades,’ said her mother. ‘This sort of ­experience would put people off going to report anything. She went to the police as a victim and ­suddenly she was turned into the accused.’

Anti-rape campaigners and some legal experts agreed. They criticised the decision to prosecute Lucy and said such cases discouraged women from reporting rape.
The teenage boy? Well, screw him, right?

The 'Mail' reporter ends with a plaintive question:
Why did Lucy behave like she did?
Over to YOU, Harriet Harman and Vera Baird...


Jiks said...

Teenagers have been having sex with each other since the dawn of time.

Teenagers have also been wildly exaggerating the amount of sex they engage in for at least as long. So other than the inevitable “I woz raped!!11” claim it all looks perfectly ordinary to me TBH.

William said...

Pollster chump encounters a group of five girls.
"Hello girls. I'm doing a survey to see how many teenage boys teenage girls have slept with. Are you 16 or under?
The girls SAY "Yes".

Note chump has no idea if they are lying or some are or none are.

First girl to answer says she has slept with three different boys.
Chump has no way of knowing if she is lying or telling the truth but it matters not because she has set the mark for the remainder of the girls in the group to hit and they dutifully do.

A day of such madness and you get the Mails version of an 'average teenager'!

Total bollocks but apparently its what the Mail knows its readers will buy the paper for.

Zaphod said...

Teenage girls, now that they have heard this statistic, will all answer "at least three". It has now become an unassailable fact.

If they haven't, they may set out to remedy the situation, and stop at four. (Three being rather less than "at least three").

Sex is a powerful natural urge. It won't be stopped by church social activities or the outrage of Mail readers.

Oldrightie said...

It won't be stopped by church social activities or the outrage of Mail readers.
Gonorrhoea and syphilis are cracking levellers, though!

JuliaM said...

"Teenagers have also been wildly exaggerating the amount of sex they engage in for at least as long. "

Oh, I don't doubt that that is indeed a factor.

But it's not the whole story, not by a long chalk.

"Sex is a powerful natural urge. It won't be stopped by church social activities or the outrage of Mail readers."

No, it certainly won't. But I can't help but feel that a genii is out of a particularly unwelcome bottle, now we have apparently abolished all the checks and restrictions on human behaviour.