Wednesday 1 May 2013

There's A 'Safer Neighbourhood Team' For Croydon?

What's their mission statement, I wonder?

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure."
Mr Pigott said: "It was horrific. They kept up a sustained attack on Coco for half an hour. "
Long enough for the cops to get there? You’d think so.
"I have had very little response from the authorities. The RSPCA and the dog warden at Croydon Council referred me to the police but they haven't called back since we reported it last Tuesday."
Croydon police confirmed they had received two calls on April 2 about the dog attack, but said it was not a crime unless a dog attacked a person.
*sigh* I really, really hope that the cops have occasion one day to knock on the door of the house where these two animals live. Or these ones.

They clearly didn't learn any lessons after the Stratford affair.
A spokesman suggested the couple contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team.
That’s great ‘customer service’ from our so-called ‘public services’, isn't it? Why not have this Safer Neighbourhood Team contact them? Why leave it to normal people to cower in fear while the offender strolls around unconcerned?


Lord T said...

If it isn't a crime then how do the RSPCA manage to prosecute all those people who do a lot less with support from Plod btw.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting isn't it? The things that deem to take priorities with authorities.

It's about time a massive change was brought in and we got this country back on it's traditional feet.

Speaking of which, Ed Miliband has been berated by saying he needs to borrow more to get this country up and running. He should not be scared of admitting to borrowing more if that is what is needed to renew the country and peoples' finances. Hard facts must be delivered, yet if he states that he is being honest and this is the route we must take to make life better for people, they would prefer him to be honest than use lies and spin.

Never let anyone berate you when you are trying to do the right thing.


ageing man said...

oooh... my "shot off a toe" party may only have one item on it's manifesto.... but I still think I'm on to a winner... more toes vicar ?

Anonymous said...

but said it was not a crime unless a dog attacked a person.

Is a dog property? Isn't damaging someone else's property a crime?

Anonymous said...

Criminal damage?

Anonymous said...

Re 'Safer Neighbourhood Teams', these were Ian Blair's 'Big Idea', all spin and no substance but were useful in further removing regular patrol and thus Tom Winsor's much desired crime prevention desire for the police. Under Hogan - Howe these teams are being further decimated so as to be, in reality, useless. More PCSOs than Police. But I'm sure London residents know all that. Police stations closed, all contact virtually via online systems, phone/internet, twitter anything but a real live police constable (with some authority about them) or an open front counter. The Victorians seem to get public services right - a return to basics would be in order if only for so much utter bollocks.

MTG said...

Croydon police admitted that an innovative policy of 'making the law up as you go along' was unpopular with Parliament and tended to confuse the public. However it saved on training and provided greater job satisfaction for officers who sometimes worked beyond the safety of the station perimeter.

Pavlov's Cat said...

Safer Neighbourhoods in Croydon , don't make me larf

An everyday story of New Addington folk

Mark Wadsworth said...

Yes, the SNT is a firm of estate agents who'll help you find a home somewhere else.

Woman on a Raft said...

Andrew and Katy Johnson were successfully prosecuted (via the RSPCA) when their Akita killed a cat on public land.

Perhaps it's another thing the CPS should provide a briefing on?

JuliaM said...

"If it isn't a crime then how do the RSPCA manage to prosecute all those people.."

It IS a crime, if the police would only tear themselves away from the list of elderly 70s entertainers.

Perhaps they are all hoping for a trip to Sydney on the company ticket?

"It's about time a massive change was brought in and we got this country back on it's traditional feet."

Give UKIP a bit more of a chance. They're doing well ;)

"Isn't damaging someone else's property a crime?"

Yes, but they don't even need to be that inventive!

JuliaM said...

"More PCSOs than Police. But I'm sure London residents know all that."

Oh, indeed! Why else has reported crime fallen?

"Safer Neighbourhoods in Croydon , don't make me larf "

You can see why some police don't even bother any more, can't you?

"Yes, the SNT is a firm of estate agents who'll help you find a home somewhere else."

But not Brixton? ;)

"Perhaps it's another thing the CPS should provide a briefing on?"

Someone needs to do something to drum it home..