Sunday, 27 December 2009

Is It Too Late...

...for the 2009 Darwin Awards?
Here's a story to round off the year: a murderous New York gangster tripped over his own baggy trousers last week and fell to his death. Hector Quinones, 44, was in the middle of an apparently drugs-related killing spree when his low-slung trousers fell down and tripped him up. One of his would-be victims fled on to the fire escape of her apartment block; Quinones yanked up his trousers and struggled after her, but no sooner had he reached the fire escape than they fell down again, and he toppled overboard.

Of course, remembering that the 'Telegraph' is a family newspaper, the reporter is compelled to say:
One would not, of course, wish such an undignified death upon anyone...
Au contraire, Jemima. One certainly would...


Angry Exile said...

There's a reason why middle aged men should stop dressing like teenagers before they become middle aged men. Not only might your stupid trousers kill you but if you care about your epitaph you'd die of embarrassment on the way down.

JuliaM said...

Yes, I can't see his homies getting too enthusistic with the spray-can grafitti epitaphs after this, can you? ;)