Monday, 14 December 2009

‘Oh, Yes We Do!’ ’Oh, No They Don’t!’

Well, it is panto season, after all…
Half of the UK's local authorities only have enough road salt for six days of continuous freezing, the AA has said.
There’s a surprise…
But the Local Government Association said the suggestion councils were not ready was "ridiculous scaremongering".
Not really, we can all remember the last time, can’t we? It was, after all, less than a year ago…


von Spreuth said...

You should know by now. "Governments" WORST enemy is some one who can remember past the last bottle of white lightning.

JuliaM said...

Well, I can certainly always rem...

What was I saying? ;)

KenS said...

Governments' WORST enemy is some one who can remember

Certainly Labour only got it 'cos most of the voters failed to remember the last time....