Sunday 6 June 2010

We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat Fiction Writer…

"I think the Israeli military went out to commit murder," Mankell said. "If they had wanted to stop us they could have attacked our rudder and propeller, instead they preferred to send masked commando soldiers to attack us. This was Israel's choice to do this.

"And it was the most stupid thing they could have done, because look around, Israel has never been so criticised in the world as of today, and if you ask me, this blockade will be over within the next six months."

So the Israeli military, bent on murder, armed to the teeth and backed up by helicopters, strike aircraft, submarines, only manage to kill a handful of people?

Something stinks here, doesn’t it?

Mankell described being woken in the early hours of Monday morning with the news that Israeli troops were attacking the main protest ship, the Mavi Marmara, and an hour later abseiled from helicopters on to the deck of the Sofia, which was around a kilometre behind.

"We saw these black rubber boats coming with masked commando soldiers … they climbed aboard. They were very aggressive … there was an older man in the crew, he was perhaps a little slow and they shot him in the arm with an electric gun which is very, very painful … they shot another man with rubber bullets."

Doesn’t sound too much like they were intent on murder. Does it?

I know you’ve made a living out of speculative fiction, Mankell, but this one is getting a rejection letter from the publishers…

Asked if he had been naive to take part, Mankell said: "If you're saying was I a 'useful idiot', no, I don't believe I was.

"We knew from the beginning that probably we would not get our stuff into Gaza but we could anyhow win … We could get the focus on the situation. Which we did, so of course we won."

Well, it’s clear you’re no useful idiot.

The people who were encouraged to violently resist the armed boarding party so your group would get it’s desired headlines - they’re the useful (now dead) idiots.

You’re something much worse...

Mankell, who has been politically active from a young age and was once a merchant seaman, said he had been struck by the lack of other writers and intellectuals on the voyage and called on others to become involved.

More writers and intellectuals. Yup, that’ll help, all right. On the basis that the pen is mightier than the sword, I suppose?

Newsflash, chum: the IDF don’t use swords…


Anonymous said...

I love WALLENDER but think Mr Mankell is just another lefty luvvie. A right royal pain in the arse! He might love to have the whole of Africa in his native Sweden....I don't think that the majority of Swedes do. they have to work hard and pay their taxes and don't have the luxury of a life like Mankell. People like him and that other silly tart on the Oirish boat they ...ooooooh, really ANNOY me.

g1lgam3sh said...

All the usual suspects crawling out of the woodwork to reveal their useless idiocy.

I have a very varied Facebook page and am pleased to say I have managed to stop some of my more...excitable...friends from getting caught up in the frenzy.

As I have pointed out petulant frenzy cannot be conflated with a carefully reasoned and thoroughly researched political position.

It's a work in progress :-)

JuliaM said...

"I love WALLENDER but think Mr Mankell is just another lefty luvvie."

Thwy are, after all, the only ones who can afford socialism and open borders...

"It's a work in progress :-)"

Good luck! Sounds more like a lifetime's career...

Greencoat said...

I'm Oirish meself and the number of thick Paddies kissing ass for Hamas is plain embarrassing.

Must be all those IRA Groupies with no more semtex to suck on.