Friday, 4 March 2011

Isn’t It About Time The Police Showed Some ‘Considerable Restraint’ Too?

From Mark Wadsworth, via email:
Two soldiers back from the Afghanistan frontline were falsely accused of rape by a teenage girl hours before a parade in their honour, a court heard today.
The ‘Mail’ is making a lot of this case because of the Army link, but the worry must be no less for other men accused in this way.

And again, there’s no good reason for it, other than because she could:
Bobbie Martin, 18, was found in a ‘distressed state’ by a friend shortly after the alleged late night attack outside the Royal Hotel in Scarborough. She told police one of the men held her down while the other raped her.

In reality it was all a ‘charade’ and ‘wicked lies’ made for no apparent reason against two honourable men who had done nothing wrong at all, the judge said.
In fact, they weren’t even in the same pub or club:
Returning war heroes Major James Thurstan and Regimental Sergeant Major Edward Pickersgill of the Coldstream Guards – and who are both married – never laid a finger on the jobless teenager.

They were sitting on a bench eating a takeaway meal when the drunken teenager approached them, flirted and exposed herself.
Enough to put you off your pizza…
The court heard they showed ‘considerable restraint’ to humour Martin before walking away and returning to their hotel beds to sleep. It was only when police examined CCTV that detectives realised the soldiers were telling the truth and the attack never happened.
They couldn’t have done this before the arrest?
Judge Stephen Ashurst told her that her lies ‘could have had devastating consequences’ for the soldiers had police not found the video footage.

‘You put on a considerable show and played the role of the victim,’ he said. ‘It was a complete charade.’
That’s because all she needed to do was make the claim, and so set the train in motion.
He said the soldiers had no idea why police arrested them.
Because they are bound to do so by politically-correct ideology and the ‘women must always be believed no matter what’ protocols.

Of course, the usual excuses are trotted out:
Jonathan Devlin, defending, said: ‘Drink clearly played a part. The state of her intoxication was commented on by the two men who had the misfortune to come across her.’ A ‘traumatic’ childhood incident may have contributed, he added.
Demon drink and a lousy life – are they now an excuse for anything?


Mark Wadsworth said...

Ta for link. Have you ever counted the total number of these incidents over a one-year period and then added an unknown figure for cases that go unreported?

Mike said...

yup, Julia I mentioned this in your last post and another that you thought was a repeat so I cut and paste the case as it was in fact another.
Why, you might ask are all these cases finding you instead of you having to find them. Simply put, there are so many you don't have to look that hard!
Mark, in respect of counting I wonder what the feminazi would say to the suggestion that only 6% of false rape claims are prosecuted?

Dr Evil said...

A serial liar (as it turned out) made an allegation, with no corroborating evidence, against the Hamiltons, who were arrested and effectively had to prove their innocence from mobile phone data re there whereabouts when the alleged sexual assault took place. outrageous as was the police actions in this case. They need to verify information before acting like this!

Dr Evil said...

A serial liar (as it turned out) made an allegation, with no corroborating evidence, against the Hamiltons, who were arrested and effectively had to prove their innocence from mobile phone data re there whereabouts when the alleged sexual assault took place. outrageous as was the police actions in this case. They need to verify information before acting like this!

Dr Evil said...

I only hit the send button once! Honestly!

Mike said...

you sound so suprised you said it twice, twice. A bit like some false accusers do!

Mike said...

maybe if we locked false accusers up for some time they could tell the screws the got raped and see how far it gets them then!

Mike said...

i can imagine the reply: 'yeah love thats how you pay for burn in here, now your my bitch'

AndrewWS said...

This will of course be hailed as a great victory for CCTV cameras and demands made for more of the things.

Mike said...

would a screw say 'now your my bitch' or 'your my bitch now'?

Mike said...

i've had a hard week at work, we should have sympathy for false accusers of rape shouldn't we, they don't come along that often and there is always some good excuse isn't there?

RAB said...

Mike, I don't normally do this,as my spelin can be erratic, but you did bang on a bit about it...

Assuming that the screw is literate, and that's a big assume, they would use you're...

Anonymous said...

It is a filtering process of these morons and you are doing a fantastic job. Soakell

Mike said...

oh yeah, cus its you are contracted, tnx. not yo is ma biatch, that would make no sence wot so eva, lol

Mike said...

boom shackalla

Mike said...

is it possible to teach false rape accusers how to speak properly?

Mike said...

We have to laugh in the face of adversity or, as I have found, cry into a deep deep glass of beer!

Mjolinir said...

A Police Officer can take just SO much of being falsely accused of 'siding with the rapist' - 'degrading women' - 'covering up to avoid difficult cases' - 'wasting time and risking the loss of evidence' - 'causing the woman to suffer additional stress' &c - before deciding to go with the flow.

A complicating factor - someone may make a report that her 'friend' has been raped. Even if the alleged victim says not, it must be investigated 'in case' she is denying it because of pressure.

MTG said...


"A Police Officer can take just SO much.."

I will rest easier tonight for your kind confirmation you are not one of the many Gadget nutters toying with his Glock and live ammunition at home.

Kevin said...

It makes you wonder just how many innocent men are languishing in the nonce's block because there wasn't CCTV footage around to prove their innocence when a slapper fancied a bit of compensation.

Thank you Vera Baird, The Eagles sisters and mad Hari.

Mike said...

A copper can only take SO much before it does as it is told! WTF.

get another job

woman hates man.

man is rapist.

girl is confused and angry.

man is FUBAR'ed

go figure

6% my arse

Mike said...

I have been trained to kill from the age of 10, no guilt, no doubt, no questions, efficiently, quickly and quietly.

I still have mind not to, fancy that!

JuliaM said...

"Have you ever counted the total number of these incidents over a one-year period and then added an unknown figure for cases that go unreported?"

The problem is, no-one can agree on what that figure would be.

"yup, Julia I mentioned this in your last post and another that you thought was a repeat so I cut and paste the case as it was in fact another."

Was it? I thought it had the same name and circs?

"They need to verify information before acting like this!"

They should, at the least, verify that a crime has actually been committed, surely?

"This will of course be hailed as a great victory for CCTV cameras and demands made for more of the things."


JuliaM said...

"A Police Officer can take just SO much of being falsely accused of 'siding with the rapist' - 'degrading women' - 'covering up to avoid difficult cases' - 'wasting time and risking the loss of evidence' - 'causing the woman to suffer additional stress' &c - before deciding to go with the flow."

Indeed. And I'm sure the rank and file have their suspicions about a lot of these.

But 'I was only following orders' shouldn't be acceptable any longer, should it?

Anonymous said...

Mjolinir makes a good point but from the wrong perspective. Like the recent story of the father arrested for 'assaulting' his 15 year old son in front of officers questioning the boy re burglary at Bromley police station, this further serves to illustrate a very important factor. Police constables are warranted Crown servants so that means that each sworn constable is (rather should be) an independent legal official rather than simply an agent of the police. Traditionally police constables had additional powers of arrest and all that went with it but were also able to exercise INDIVIDUAL DISCRETION. Such discretion was always referred to in old style training schools as their most important tool. Such discretion, rather the ability to exercise it, has more or less gone, constables are no longer permitted to exercise individual discretion and newer recruits probably have no idea what it is or even means. The removal of discretion started in the early 1990's and was reinforced during the Labour years through the creation of specific victim groups or Hate Crimes and legislation passed to ensure conformity with required processes for each specific victim group. Once upon a time officers encountering such an allegation in such specific circumstances would have nicked the silly drunken tart and banged her up overnight. Now processes have to be followed and arses covered. As much as they will protest the office of constable has been cheapened, all are mere 'agents' which the sociologists and criminologists must be pleased about. Although cases like this seem to be on the increase I'm sure we'll have another Cherie Blair type bang on about the low conviction rate for rape this year too. Good to hear the magistrates association telling Ken Clarke what they think about his plans for bail rather than remands in custody today.

MTG said...


I was quite worried about you, old chap.

What a pleasure to note that Birds and Moats are not confusing you today and the return of your customary shouting.

Greencoat said...

'Would a screw say 'now your my bitch' or 'your my bitch now'?

If he'd listened to teacher he would say:

''re my bitch now'

Ranter said...

Cheers Melv, got my 'murderous armed nutter on rampage' incidents mixed up. Points still apply though. Glad you're keeping an eye on me though!