Friday, 13 May 2011

Management Notice....

....though, who knows if anyone will see this? Certainly, Blogger doesn't seem to have much of a clue!

As you may or may not be aware, Blogger has been down for some of yesterday, and most of today. It's sort of back now (fingers crossed!), but sadly all content posted yesterday (and any comments you may have made) has vanished into the ether. Who knows if they will manage to resurrect it?

I'll try and reschedule today's posts for tomorrow, when that functionality comes back, and - if Thursday's don't reappear - schedule them in for next week.

Technology, eh? It's great when it works!

Update: Looks like some of Thursday's posts have been dropped into 'scheduled' for 12th May, along with some posts (completed and unfinished) originally scheduled for the 12th of June, as a 'holding' date! Sorry if this caused them to appear in your RSS feeds, and I'm not going bonkers, it was all Blogger's doing!

As for comments, not sure what's going on with those; I'm hoping Blogger is still working on it and they'll reappear...


Shinar's Basket Case said...

Eaten by a Star Goat?

Quiet_Man said...

tad irritating wasn't it :D

JuliaM said...

It ain't over yet! Will not allow future post scheduling... ;(

Quiet_Man said...

Lost 3 or 4 of mine so far anyway, just vanished from my post count. Fortunately one of them is over at orphans still. The rest were pretty much works in progress so not a great loss, but probably unrecoverable.

Shinar's Basket Case said...

I still think the Star Goat is to blame.

Angry Exile said...

No star goats. Evil Facebook voodoo designed to fuck with Google now that Facebook's PR firm shenanigans have been exposed.

Like? Comment? Fuck off and die in a ditch?

Bucko said...

Pain in the arse wasn't it. I had to do some work today!

Shinar's Basket Case said...

" I had to do some work today!"


Hush yo mouth Chil'

English Viking said...


I thought it was either that my computer was spazzed or I was thick.

Glad I'm not the only one to have bad days.

Laban said...

If anyone subscribes to you on bloglines or any other RSS reader they'll have the posts there

Lynne said...

Blogger going down brings home how many of the major blogs are dependent upon it. And how easy it would be to silence them. I was amazed at how many of my favourite must read blogs were affected.

Lerxst said...

Just glad to have you back :)

ivan said...

Have you considered changing over to Wordpress which can be run anywhere be it a Wordpress server or your hosting providers network?

JuliaM said...

"Pain in the arse wasn't it. I had to do some work today!"

Me too!

"If anyone subscribes to you on bloglines or any other RSS reader they'll have the posts there"

Hope so, but it looks like some of the comments are gone forever :(

"Blogger going down brings home how many of the major blogs are dependent upon it."

A lot fewer after this, I suspect!

"Have you considered changing over to Wordpress which can be run anywhere be it a Wordpress server or your hosting providers network?"

Actually, backup-admin role over at Orphans of Liberty in the last couple of days has shown me how easy to handle Wordpress is, so I'm seriously considering it..

Lynne said...

Go for it, Julia!

WV polio. Explains a lot...

Shinar's Basket Case said...

*is still betting on the Great Star Goat Conspiracy*