Thursday 27 August 2015

The Very Definition of The Term ‘Useful Idiot’

A team of students from York are hoping to help
Abandoned animals? Homeless war veterans? Disabled pensioners or children?
… the thousands of migrants living in makeshift camps in Calais.
Oh. I suppose I should have guessed…
Five University of York students, Emma Bilson, Grace Redmore, Alex Musto, Miki White and Robyn Hillerby, will travel to Calais at the end of next month and have urged the public to donate goods or money to help support those living in the camp.
Emma, 29, is a postgraduate in social work, and said the team had been inspired to go and help the refugees after seeing them on the news.
Social work. Great!
"I know some people don't agree with the Government and it's controversial, but to us it didn't matter. It's just about that human side of it. They are stuck living in horrible conditions, and it's a five-hour drive away from York, it's not a million miles away, and it's just nice to be able to do something personal."
And get credit and networking opportunities amongst the government quangos and fakecharities you’ll be begging for a job from too, eh?


Anonymous said...

Spot on! Couldn't have said it better myself, half wits who will be the end of Britain which will end up being a Third World country!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for them to be arrested and fined £1000 each for the illegal found clinging to the propshaft of their van.

Lynne at Counting Cats said...

Well let's hope it doesn't get too personal for the girls.

Oh to be young and a crusading useful idiot.

Anonymous said...

Bit of a whinge coming up:

What I can't stand with all of this, is the Newspeak use of the word 'migrant'. How do they get away with it.

These people aren't migrants, they're immigrants. BBC/PC use of the much nicer sounding 'migrant' should be challenged. It bugs the life out of me, I'm forever correcting anyone who uses the word migrant. I remind them;

Emigrate = Go and never return.
Migrate = Travel back and forth.
Immigrate = Arrive and never leave.

How many of these folk clambering through razor wire/tied to an axle/hanging on for grim death, ever intend to return to the culturally enriched places from which they came?


The Jannie said...

"Emma, 29, is a postgraduate in social work"

This experience - if she survives it - will stand her in good stead. She'll be guaranteed a plum, if irrelevant job with some overfunded do-gooding department of a local council.

Budvar said...

On the contrary, I do so hope it gets up and oh so personal for them. It's the only way they'll learn.. But then again, it'll be everybody elses fault other than them..

Ada Nuff said...

Ah, the inevitable "Comments are closed on this article."

"Emma, 29, is a postgraduate in social work" - or as we say in my workplace, is unemployable unless the tea machine's broken.

Notice it doesn't mention that Emma and the other virtue signallers have put their mac books on ebay to raise money?

Put a few of the criminal Calais chancers up in York halls of residence. That should sort it.

Greencoat said...

These goody-goody show-offs would never dream of doing something useful for their own country, like visiting a lonely old person or spending an hour picking up litter.

They make me sick.

JuliaM said...

"...half wits who will be the end of Britain which will end up being a Third World country!"

It's already half-way there in inner cities.

"Well let's hope it doesn't get too personal for the girls."

As it already has for someone in Calais.

"These people aren't migrants, they're immigrants. BBC/PC use of the much nicer sounding 'migrant' should be challenged. It bugs the life out of me, I'm forever correcting anyone who uses the word migrant."

Spot on! And me too.

"Notice it doesn't mention that Emma and the other virtue signallers have put their mac books on ebay to raise money? "

Good point!