Friday 3 November 2023


People are used to seeing stark warnings on tobacco products alerting them about the potentially deadly risks to health. Now a study suggests similar labelling on food could help them make wiser choices about not just their health, but the health of the planet.
...if people have 'grown used to seeing them' doesn't that imply it's not working? And so, won't work on this either?
Researchers believe their findings could help encourage changes in gastronomic choices that could ultimately benefit the environment. “Reaching net zero is a priority for the nation and the planet,” Hughes said.

No, it isn’t. 


ivan said...

Strange that all these warnings come from people that have a vested interest in keeping the 'climate change' scam going so they can sit in their air-conditioned offices and tell all the 'plebs' what to do. They forget the world has been doing very well up to now without their help.

The idiots at the UN that started this scam are only interested in the money it produces for them, just look at all the private jets flying all the idiots in for their annual holiday in nice warm parts of the world paid for by other peoples money. The COPxx meetings do nothing useful because the CO2 in the atmosphere they are vilifying actually makes the earth green and we need more of it to increase the world food supply.

Anonymous said...

How about photos of central government politicians and officials having the warning:
"This person's policies may be dangerous to your health/pocket/way of life."
Sounds fine to me.

JuliaM said...

"Strange that all these warnings come from people that have a vested interest in keeping the 'climate change' scam going so they can sit in their air-conditioned offices and tell all the 'plebs' what to do."

Indeed. It's one of the main reasons I pay no notice whatsoever.

"How about photos of central government politicians and officials having the warning:
"This person's policies may be dangerous to your health/pocket/way of life.""

It should be on the masthead of their websites!