Tuesday 7 November 2023

Oh, Here We Go…

...Tolkein's in the 'racism' spotlight again:
Over the years, Italy’s ultra-conservative prime minister has quoted passages in interviews, shared photos of herself reading the novel and even posed with a statue of the wizard Gandalf as part of a campaign. In her autobiography-slash-manifesto, she dedicates several pages to her “favourite book”, which she refers to at one point as being a “sacred” text. When I read the news this week that Italy’s culture ministry is spending €250,000 to organise a Tolkien show at Rome’s National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, and that Meloni will attend the opening, I couldn’t help wondering: why? What is this government trying to achieve by stamping its mark so aggressively on one of the world’s most loved fantasy sagas?
Maybe just to watch you get your Y-fronts in a bunch, Jamie?
When The Lord of the Rings first hit Italian shelves in the 1970s, the academic Elémire Zolla wrote a short introduction in which he interpreted the book as an allegory about “pure” ethnic groups defending themselves against contamination from foreign invaders. Fascist sympathisers in the Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) quickly jumped on the provocation. Meloni, an MSI youth wing member, developed her political consciousness in that environment. As a teenager she even attended a “Hobbit Camp”, a summer retreat organised by the MSI in which participants dressed up in cosplay outfits, sang along to folk ballads and discussed how Tolkienian mythologies could help the post-fascist right find credibility in a new era.

At this point, my eyes were rolling so much they nearly fell out of my head... 

Obviously, we’re talking about a fringe movement here. But it’s worth recognising that, with a little imagination, the sagas of Middle-earth do fit pretty neatly into the logic of contemporary rightwing populism.

Paging Dr Freud... 



Bucko said...

Is "ultra-conservative", the new Far Right?

Anonymous said...

Middle Earth is multi-cultural, with Hobbits, Elves, Humans, Orcs, Trolls, Balrogs etc, some of which are decidedly nasty. Saruman is Corbyn, the Orcs are members of the Religion of Peace, and Mordor is the Middle East. Gollum votes Labour. Denethor is Starmer.

Anonymous said...

... and the Ents are Incels! (Eowyn is a cross-dresser, of course).

Doonhamer said...

And then there is Wind in the Willows. Condoning crime, reckless driving, a feudalistic hierarchy uniting to repell an invading hoard. The analogies just whack you.
And as for Peter Rabbit.!?

Anonymous said...

Famous Five? With a Fanny and a Dick? And George? A cross dresser if not a real Trannie. Childrens' books, eh?

Beats Captain Pugwash with Roger the Cabin Boy, and Seaman Staines (OK, I know that's made up).

JuliaM said...

"Is "ultra-conservative", the new Far Right?"

It would appear so...

"Middle Earth is multi-cultural..."

There's a lot of war, so maybe that's why?

"And then there is Wind in the Willows. Condoning crime, reckless driving, a feudalistic hierarchy uniting to repell an invading hoard. The analogies just whack you."


"Childrens' books, eh?"
