Thursday 9 November 2023

The Scale Of Imported Crime...

I watched 'The Met' on Tuesday night, and it featured two different cases, a stranger rape (of a cataclysmically drunk young woman) and a murder of a homeless man. I was struck by how the perpetrators (and in the case of the homeless man, the victim too) were all foreign-born.

So, reading this story yesterday morning, details stood out:

Shocking footage shows the moment a knifeman tried to kick his way into a house before stabbing his daughter's father-in-law to death in a row over wedding gifts.
Ahmad Alsino, 43, confronted dentist Mohammed Salem Ibrahim, 55, on his own doorstep before stabbing him four times with a Gino D'Acampo kitchen knife.

He was quickly arrested and sentenced to life. But it's just another case which tests the 'diversity is a strength' manta to near breaking point, isn't it? 


Anonymous said...

I watch this programme avidly. I'm surprised so far that all of the cases involve unwelcome visitors to this country.
The BBC and the Met are so PC I wonder if they realise they are showing the public how much crime unlimited immigration brings to this country?

Umbongo said...

I love the extraneous detail to the effect that the perp's weapon was not just an ordinary kitchen knife but a "Gino D'Acampo" kitchen knife.

And yes, yet another story featuring the criminality imported along with the dross of the sub-continent.

Andy said...

Umbongo, another little nudge towards the banning of all knives?

Bucko said...

I was going to point out that even the kitchen knife was foreign, but I'd be stepping on Umbongo's comment

Boganboy said...

I thought selling people, even women, was illegal these days.

Perhaps there should be a law requiring all Muslims to publicly negotiate the price of their daughters and to have the loot publicly displayed and paid at the wedding.

JuliaM said...

"The BBC and the Met are so PC I wonder if they realise they are showing the public how much crime unlimited immigration brings to this country?"

I suspect they think it'll go over our heads. It doesn't.

"I love the extraneous detail to the effect that the perp's weapon was not just an ordinary kitchen knife but a "Gino D'Acampo" kitchen knife."

Doing some brand recognition for him in the process!

"I was going to point out that even the kitchen knife was foreign..."

😂 If I'm ever on a similar charge, it'll be a 'James Martin' one!

"Perhaps there should be a law requiring all Muslims to publicly negotiate the price of their daughters and to have the loot publicly displayed and paid at the wedding."

Ooh, I'd get out the popcorn for any MP suggesting that!