Friday 3 November 2023

Not A Surprise Anymore…

The son of two retired Metropolitan police officers, who controversially avoided jail despite killing two people in a drug-driving incident, is to be arrested for the eighth time for refusing to attend court.
Yes, Reader, 'tis he, again. He's never out of the courts or this blog, is he?
Max Coopey, 22, was expected to be sentenced today for driving while disqualified after he indicated he would change his 'not guilty' plea. However, the young man apparently told his solicitor at the last minute that he now wished to maintain his denial and would not turn up to court. East Berkshire magistrates in Slough, Berks, immediately issued a warrant for Coopey's his arrest - the eighth issued to the man since his headline-grabbing first offence in 2018.

Even his brief is sick of him:  

Coopey's legal representation, Shehneela Ahmed, told the magistrates that the defendant's last minute decision not to attend court on Wednesday had left her 'professionally embarrassed.'

It’s puzzling where his obvious contempt for the justice system stems from, isn’t it? 


Anonymous said...

The soft sentences handed to this yob are not because his parents are retired police officers. It's because the system is an absolute joke..

I know you conspiracy theorists out there feel differently but you are wrong. If one of my kids broke the law and I tried to interfere I'd get sacked.


MTG said...

No doubt a few readers are inclined to accept PC Jaded's assurances without question.

Judging by my own experience of the world, undiluted plod husbandry is unlikely to yield progeny of better quality. It's a very unfortunate gene mix with Filth arising as the end product. However, there are times when a brace of plod are at liberty to spawn an exceptionally foul scum.

Anonymous said...

Could it just be that two police pensions are enough to keep a third person happily idle and pay for their drug habit?

I don't believe Jaded's first sentence, but I do have some sympathy with his second. Is his third because perhaps he doesn't have the right handshake, or insider information on a superior?

James Higham said...

Symptomatic of the general malaise.

johnd2008 said...

MTG, I don't know what caused your hatred of the police to make it so severe that you include
their children and I don't want to know,but you really need help with your problems.
It reminds me of a certain middle eastern religion and its hatred of Jews.

MTG said...

Good morning, pc Penise. Your repeated descriptions of me as a hate-crazed Jihadist, are sick but amusing. I must assume that a 'career in plod' provided much experience of besmirching honest folk with lies. I do not allow myself to hate anyone - which remains my steadfast response to your false assertions.

Matt said...

Perhaps because Plod have lost their way and now are just the bully boy extension of the state?

Anonymous said...

If you continue to visit this site you'll soon learn that the police are MTG's 'King Charles Head' so to speak. But deep down, he's a pussy-cat!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. Melvin has been calling me that name for ages, whenever I tried to use reason, until I realised he never would accept that, and so stopped banging my head against a brick wall by ignoring his comments. I would suggest you do the same.
I understand his hatred began when his lawnmower was stolen from his shed, and no one was identified, charged, and sentenced to death. Plus, he never got his lawnmower back. Goodness knows what his lawn looks like now!
He will, no doubt, respond with some bile filled reply. I will do as I always do now, and ignore it. The alternative is continually being beaten over the head with his stupidity.

JuliaM said...

"The soft sentences handed to this yob are not because his parents are retired police officers. It's because the system is an absolute joke.."

Very likely, since I've just as many examples of poor or no justice to civilians...but I have to take issue with ' If one of my kids broke the law and I tried to interfere I'd get sacked.'. Really?

"Could it just be that two police pensions are enough to keep a third person happily idle and pay for their drug habit?"

It's certainly paying for a very nice house, as the 'Mail' keeps reminding us!

MTG said...

Your Comprehension and 'Inglish' are joint evidence of teaching inadequacies/failures, Penise. I wouldn't be so cruel as to intentionally invite you to demonstrate how stupid you can be.