Thursday 23 November 2023

It's A Mad, Mad World At The Moment...

Does it feel that way to anyone else? 

The news is full of manufactured outrage, when the headlines are full of reports of some fat mouthy nobody providing the 'conflict' that she was surely hired for, while further down the page arrogant celebs do what they've been getting away with for years because they are never brought to heel.

Meanwhile, the slightest glimmer of return to normality is greeted with effusive praise it doesn't really deserve. And everywhere are signs people are getting dumber.

I blame the media - beauty and wonder comes way, way down the list. Maybe it should be reversed?


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the contempt the numpties in government have for those who willingly risk, and sometimes lose, their lives in defending this country or it's ideals, often on the whim of some overpaid politician who barely passed the medical to join the human race.
Soldiers are, eventually, moved out of rat infested accommodation and put into hastily refurbished shopping containers, while the married families live in squalor in the properties provided for them.
During my military days, hygiene in single accommodation was a priority. Not any more. Married quarters had to be left as if no one had ever lived in them. Not any more. If there is no pride in the organisations providing for the military, how can you expect the military to have pride in having to accept how they live? And those same self-serving numpties wonder why recruiting figures are dropping. Sack 'an all.

Bucko said...

That black woman is a right muppet, isn't she. You always know that when someone is described as a social media star, they will be a right vacuous tit

Andy said...

The headline brought back memories of MAD Magazine. Though I do believe that the slogan had four Mads to reflect those times. Today we need no fewer than six.

JuliaM said...

"During my military days, hygiene in single accommodation was a priority. Not any more. Married quarters had to be left as if no one had ever lived in them. Not any more."

Standards are the first to be junked when an institution starts going downhill...😕

"You always know that when someone is described as a social media star, they will be a right vacuous tit"

Yup! Why else would this show want her?

"The headline brought back memories of MAD Magazine. Though I do believe that the slogan had four Mads to reflect those times. Today we need no fewer than six"

Inflation is rampant everywhere...