Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Natalie Hanman Needs A New Dictionary...

She regales us with a tale of her recent 'subversive culinary event' in 'CiF':
This weekend, I celebrated the 250th anniversary of the birth of Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the mothers of western feminism, by eating a cake baked entirely by men.
Now, I don't know about you, but I don't find that in the least 'subversive'.

'Made entirely of men' maybe. But not just 'by men'....


Polly Peachum said...

Since my husband and son are excellent cooks, I eat cakes baked entirely by men on a regular basis.

How refreshing, then, to discover that I have been unwittingly subversive for the past 20 years!

North Northwester said...

But it will be a really big cake, and it cooked in much less time and they were probably really poorly when they baked it...

Still, if only the only subversion going on was of this kind...we'd still have a nice country to live in.

Stan said...

When most of us go out to dinner, we usually end up eating a dish cooked entirely by men - especially if it's a Chinese or Indian meal.

Rob Farrington said...

I would have thought that it was a GOOD thing that men were learning how to cook, rather than how to do just traditionally manly things such as car chases, wearing oily T-shirts, and generally blowing things up with high explosives.

Obviously, I was wrong. I've now cancelled my Amazon order for 'Curries for Dummies', and ordered 'How to Charge a Machine Gun Nest With a Bayonet between Your Teeth ", instead.

Or would that be just too militaristic? I wouldn't want to offend any of Natalie's sensibilities, after all.

Stan said...

Rob Farrington said ....

"'How to Charge a Machine Gun Nest With a Bayonet between Your Teeth ", instead."

I'd cancel that order if I were you Rob - as a general rule you don't charge machine gun nests, you enfillade them (flanking fire). If that's not possible and you have to charge - it's better to stick the bayonet on the end of your rifle.

Ross said...

So presumably if a baker was to sack all his female staff then it would be a triumph for feminism?

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Sounds like she's a bit sexist herself ... she thinks only women can bake cakes.

Anonymous said...

My God I am actually a subversive! Do I have to wait for the "Thought Police" or should I make a run for it! Oh well, back to the Armoury instead for some happy thoughts regarding politicians and a Lee Enfield.