Thursday 1 April 2010

And We're Worrying About The LHC Ending The World?

We should be worrying about this:
Last summer, archaeologists unearthed this 1,000-pound lead coffin buried on the outskirts of Rome. Researchers don't want to crack open the sarcophagus, lest they harm whomever's inside.
I've seen these movies - the answer is: Nothing good!


I am Stan said...

I know it is human nature to be curious about the past etc...but hey the man/woman/zombie was buried and laid to rest in peace...why cant they just leave them in peace?..

Mike said...

or this

Mike said...

The LHC in in safe hands btw since professor/musician Brian Cox took control. He assured me he has more chance of winning the lottery than blowing up the world. I did the maths and decided that if the world did in fact blow up I'd probably care less than if I won the lottery.

banned said...

it is April 1st after all.