Tuesday 26 April 2011

Remember, When Seconds Count, The Police Are Only 35 Minutes Away...

...and they've made sure you can't defend yourself as well:
Tracy St Clair Pearce, 50, was confronted by four men carrying a chainsaw and a knife, who warned her they would kill her cattle at her farm in Colchester, Essex.

She called police late on Good Friday to report the threat, but was left gobsmacked when officers took 35 minutes to get to her home, before telling her they would confiscate her shotguns.
Got to protect those special groups, get that tick in the diversity box, and to hell with the safety of the law-abiding, tax-paying citizen.

I mean, if the worst happens and they come back, she can dial 999, can’t she? What can they do to her in the 35 minutes it would take the police to get there? Assuming they even bother to turn up at all, that is…
'When the police did arrive, they had this incredible attitude that somehow we were to blame.

'I actually had to turn round and tell one young officer, "Excuse me, you are talking to the victims of crime here".'
But you see, as far as Essex Police are concerned, it's the Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveling Society that are the 'victims'.

And Essex Police wheeled out a mouthpiece to hit all the right buzzword bingo triggers (in bold):
Chief Superintendent Alison Newcomb said: 'We are supporting Colchester Council, who own the land, and are working with them to find a solution to this situation.
'We take any threatening or violent behaviour very seriously and are investigating this incident on Friday.
'This is a long-running and sensitive issue.
'Counter allegations have been made on both sides and the situation is not as clear cut as it seems.
'Our powers of eviction have been considered - however, the threshold has not been met, so we need to be balanced and proportionate in our response.
'Our number one priority is to keep the public safe.'

And the police have the nerve to wonder why they are increasingly held in utter contempt by everyone? Not just the criminal classes, that's to be expected. But rapidly, they are losing everyone else.


SpiteK said...

I see the spokesmong ticks a couple of boxes too...

Captain Haddock said...

First, they brainwash those with either power (the Police, the Judiciary etc)or influence (the TV & MSA) .. then they brainwash groups or factions likely to support what they've already done .. and so it goes on ..

By the time they've finished, we'll all be compliant drones, subject to diktats from whoever is left in charge ..

Unless we do something about it .. and bloody soon ..

The Filthy Engineer said...

Do I get a prize for getting a line?

MTG said...

"And the police have the nerve to wonder why they are increasingly held in utter contempt..."

You make a concession to normally high quality posts by substituting 'nerve' for 'stupidity'. So far as these police are concerned, it was additionally OTT to credit them with the faculty of reflection. ;)

James Higham said...

The title killed me.

Anonymous said...

I am embarassed by my job sometimes.
All I do is do my job properly and don't try and defend the indefensible.
MTG- fill your boots.

DerekP said...

'Our number one priority is to keep the public safe.'

We know you're lying...Your words are spit on the faces of those you would prefer to be defenceless sheep or traumatised victims.

English Viking said...

Just shoot the dirty pikey and don't bother with Old Bill.

Smoking Hot said...

Wonder if they'd try and take these off this Russian?


Akvavitix said...


Sorry I swore...again.

I honestly don't think I can come back to the UK ever again without being jalied for a "Dunblanesque" style attack on the stupid moronic arsehole culture that prevails in position of authority there.

Jesus christ on a stick. How can anybody bother with the place anymore?

blueknight said...

Someone give her Tony Martin's phone number.....

JuliaM said...

"I see the spokesmong ticks a couple of boxes too..."


"By the time they've finished, we'll all be compliant drones, subject to diktats from whoever is left in charge .."

The police Farce are, I'm afraid, well on their way.

"I am embarassed by my job sometimes."

Oh dear. I wish I has a good story coming up for you today. But...

"Someone give her Tony Martin's phone number....."

Someone give her Tony Martin's shotgun!

MTG said...

Tsk-tsk, Jaded. 'Filling boots' is unecessary and vulgar when the base material is so abundant.

MTG said...


Ringmer said...

Perhaps if she'd sung Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" down the phone line they'd have got there a might earlier ?

Although she'd definitely have been arrested...

Gordo said...

Its getting to a stage.....

JuliaM said...

"Perhaps if she'd sung Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" down the phone line they'd have got there a might earlier ?"