Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Well, I Suppose It's A Novel Excuse...

Jo Sidhu, for McCloud today, told the court a discretionary life sentence was not merited in his case, because he had restricted the abuse to one victim and not gone after other children.
Nice try, I suppose, but it'll never wor...

Three senior judges, sitting at the London court, today agreed to replace his life term with a less draconian sentence of imprisonment for public protection (IPP).


Snowolf said...

Oh well, that's perfectly acceptable then. I don't even see why they went to trouble of prosecuting him in light of that.

Anonymous said...

He did it once and in India.. should have sent him there to face the Indian justice system

Ancient & Tattered Airman said...

We have courts of Law
we need Courts of Justice.

JuliaM said...

"Oh well, that's perfectly acceptable then. I don't even see why they went to trouble of prosecuting him in light of that."

That's the long-term goal, I suspect...

"We have courts of Law
we need Courts of Justice."
