Friday 1 November 2013

The Progressives Can Whine All They Want…

…but while these stories keep happening, that ‘stigma’ of mental illness is not going to go away:
A woman has spoken of her horror after being thrown in front of a lorry by a paranoid schizophrenic.
Lauren Hickson, 23, was pushed in the back by John Touray into the path of an oncoming lorry as she waited at a pedestrian crossing by the A63.
She was extraordinarily lucky – she fell into the gap between the cab and the trailer.
Touray, 52, has been convicted of attempted murder by a jury at Hull Crown Court.
Suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, he was declared unfit to plead or to appear in the dock of the court.
Judge Jeremy Richardson QC has deemed Touray will remain a danger for life after ruling Miss Hickson was lucky to be alive.
And once again, this was not an unforeseen act.
Touray had been living in the nearby Dock House hostel and had a long history of mental health problems.
Of course he did. Which is why he was left to wander the streets...


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX A woman has spoken of her horror after being thrown in front of a lorry by a paranoid schizophrenic. XX

At LAST, someone in the media understands when "Horror" SHOULD be attached to a report!

NOT when some dog farts in your general direction.

Anonymous said...

Unfit to plead and appear in the dock but clearly fit and able to walk our streets. Care in the Community at its best.

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't he have been standing behind Sharon Shoesmith?

JuliaM said...

"Why couldn't he have been standing behind Sharon Shoesmith?"
