Wednesday 2 December 2009

‘CiF’ Never Fails To Reveal Things Some People Would Be Wise To Keep Hidden…

As a standard bearer for all ‘liberals’ (in the modern, now-debased sense of the word), Richard Silverstein loses no opportunity to show his true colours in a post on ‘CiF’ about the Seattle police murders:
All night long the rhythmic beat of helicopters rotors pounded overhead in the Seattle sky. Though this may be a phenomenon known to other urban communities, it is not typical of Seattle. It seemed clear that something serious and perhaps ominous was happening in my neighbourhood.
Of course, everyone knows by now what he’s referring to; the cold-blooded murder of four Seattle police officers.

Which isn’t supposed to disturb the sleep of the liberal, green, latte-loving Seattle community. That’s the sort of thing that happens in ‘other urban communities’.

Like we don’t all know exactly what you mean by that
The police were looking for a suspect, Maurice Clemmons, who earlier this year was alleged to have raped a nine year old girl and assaulted a police officer. Clemmons had an earlier string of crimes when he lived in Arkansas, where he was serving a 95-year sentence when the state's then governor, Mike Huckabee, offered him a clemency release.

One of the criticisms leveled at Huckabee during the Republican presidential primary by his opponents was the high number of clemencies he granted.
Yes, this is the only recorded instance of a paid-up member of Seattle’s liberal elite whining about judicial and gubernatorial clemency.

The wrong person was handing it out, you see…
Clemmons promptly relocated to Seattle, where he went from being Huckabee's and Arkansas's problem to being our own.
I thought crime was everybody’s problem?

But that’s the problem with clemency, you see. Sometimes the criminals to whom it’s granted don’t stay in their home environs, where they prey on people who vote a different way to Richard. Sometimes, they cross state borders! And threaten full-paid-up Democrat voters!

Still, Richard is prepared to look on the bright side:
One of my first thoughts was that it might sink Huckabee's next presidential bid.
Never let an opportunity go to waste, eh..?
Apparently, that thought also crossed Huckabee's mind as well, as he released this self-protective statement which diffused blame to so many places that it hardly touched him at all:

"Should [Clemmons] be found responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington state," Huckabee's office said in a statement on Sunday night.

What does that mean? That Huckabee messed up or not? As CNN reports, there is so much potential ineptitude around this case that Huckabee may just be able to weasel out of it
Curses! The fact that a killer is on the loose is peanuts compared to the thought that a political opponent might get out of hot water…
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper reported that soon after his release in 2001, Clemmons was arrested for aggravated robbery and theft.

He was taken back to prison for parole violation. But, said the paper, he was not served with the arrest warrants for the robbery and theft charges until he left prison three years later.

His attorney argued the charges should be dismissed because too much time had passed by then. And prosecutors dropped the charges.

You're a better man than I, Gunga Din, if you can follow those last few sentences.
I’m not a man.

But in every way, I’m better than you. My first thought wasn’t for how this could be twisted to serve a political cause. It was to feel shock and sadness for the officers and their families, and to hope he was caught.

Repeatedly, with extreme prejudice. As he now has been.
Huckabee can legitimately spread blame on the Washington state judicial system. Apparently, after his arrest for rape a judge ruled him ineligible for bail, but a second judge overruled the first and released him on $150,000 bail. That was two weeks ago.

Ironically, one of the conditions was that he not use a firearm.

It's unclear how, as a convicted felon, Clemmons could have obtained a firearm
Yes, it’s unclear how someone with multiple convictions could possibly have ignored the ban on felons owning weapons, isn’t it?
Though it should be noted that the recently-executed DC sniper John Muhammad illegally obtained his rifles in Tacoma, which is next door to Lakewood, where the police officers were killed on Sunday. Thanks to our porous gun laws, it's pitifully easy for felons to obtain weapons.
How do gun laws stop people acquiring firearms from illegal sources? Or stealing them?

I’d love to know.

But I don’t think I want to spend any more time reading the thoughts of Richard Silverstein. Life’s too short to waste it on people like him…


Mark said...

I note that the sentance Clemmons originally received, and which Governor Huckabee commuted, was for 95 years.

I'd be interested to know how many judges in Washington state hand out 95 year sentances- and whether the absence of such judges was a factor in Clemmons relocating to such a 'liberal' state.

But prison ' never works' , of course.

JuliaM said...

Indeed. Luckily, gunshot wounds do work, and he's beyond the reach of the 'prison is wrong' bunch now, at least...

DJ said...

So the state should prevent law-abiding citizens from owning guns so as to make it harder for any loons it chooses to release onto the street to obtain firearms? Errrrr.... can't help feeling there's an easier way here.