Tuesday, 19 April 2011

They're Just Like Us!

See, same idiotic system of 'justice' and overly-lenient attitude to youths and minorities:
The 16-year-old charged with murdering two British holidaymakers in Florida was freed by a judge two weeks ago after he was arrested over an armed robbery, it emerged today.
Shawn Tyson, who allegedly shot James Cooper and James Kouzaris in the back as they ran away, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following the incident.
However as it was his first offence he was released from custody while police investigated the case.
Oh, hang on a minute...
He will now be charged as an adult and, if convicted of first-degree murder of the two Britons on Saturday evening, could face the death penalty.
Hmm, maybe not.

Of course, further on in the article, the author can't resist a little Yank-bashing:
This tragic case shows just how risky it can be to stray into the wrong neighbourhood in Florida. That is certainly what I discovered during my spell between 1998 and 2006 as the British Consul in Orlando, one of the most popular places for visiting Britons.

Away from the all the luxury and glamour of the attractions and hotels, a gun-toting, drug-fuelled menace awaits where people live in abject deprivation on a scale unimaginable in Britain, with our generous welfare state and infrastructure of public services.

This desperate poverty and squalor has served as the breeding ground for serious, often lethal crime from young men who feel they have nothing to lose, in a society which has given them nothing.
Hmmm, anyone reminded of something? Because I most certainly am.

We've nothing to point and laugh at the US over, have we?


Bucko said...

"young men who feel they have nothing to lose, in a society which has given them nothing."

Society which has given them nothing? Given them? How about they do something for themselves?

"a scale unimaginable in Britain, with our generous welfare state and infrastructure of public services."

Who is this moron? Our welfare state is so generous we give plasma TVs to all (at the expense of the productive) and still call them poor and impoverished.

And WTF is this infrastructure of public services? An army of bleeding heart diversity co-ordinators (paid for by the generous welfare state).

What a bell end

Captain Haddock said...

No .. we shouldn't laugh & point the finger at the Septics ..

Since we follow everything they do so slavishly ..

prasad said...

In America and other European countries any can easily get gun license so crime rate is growing constantly this culture should be changed.

Captain Haddock said...

It doesn't really matter whether firearms are licensed or not ..

Those with criminal intent will still find a way of obtaining them ..

In fact, all that's happened in the UK is that responsible gun owners (who do register their firearms) & other shooting specialists, Farmers, Gamekeepers etc have been massively inconvenienced ..

Whilst those whom the legislation was intended to curb , have simply ignored it ..

And our Olympic Rifle & Pistol Shooting Teams have been forced to practice abroad, at considerably increased cost ..

JuliaM said...

"Society which has given them nothing? Given them? How about they do something for themselves?"

That's crazy talk! :D

"In America and other European countries any can easily get gun license so crime rate is growing..."

Ah, but as Capt Haddock points out,
gun crime committed by licensed gun owners is a tiny proportion of overall gun crime...