Friday, 29 April 2011

The Untouchables...

Hinah Parekh, 43, claimed that racist abuse from fellow police officers was making her unwell and signed off with depression and stress.

She took a total of 848 days off sick - managing an average of only five shifts a month - from her job at Belgravia police station in central London.

Why did they not act sooner? Well, I think we know that, don't we?
Reports suggest that senior officers did not act sooner because they feared they would become embroiled in a damaging race row.
Because, of course, this brazen cow had the nerve to use all the cards available to her in Victimhood Poker:
Parekh wept as she supported a tribunal claim of another Asian officer who also claimed he was subjected to racism at Belgravia police station two years ago.

The woman officer told central London Employment tribunal: 'I had experienced bullying from colleagues involving calling me names, ignoring me, pushing me to go drinking, publicly humiliating me and being completely insensitive to my religious and cultural beliefs...
Oh, really? Anything else?
...and my obligation as a single parent.'
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest those 'religious and cultural beliefs' you're so precious about are something other than Methodist.

So it's a bit much to wring your hands and weep bitter tears over the alleged non-respect for your religion when you yourself aren't exactly adhering to it...


Gordo said...

They really are a burden in so many ways. Imagine what our standard of living, and quality of life, could have been like if we had never invited in these people.

Pete Green said...

So you know why she's a single parent do you?

Did it occur to you that perhaps she's a single parent because her partner may have died?

The idea that somehow her being a single parent obviates any right she has to expect respect is laughable.

Why didn't you just post a blog entitled "fuck the darkies" and be done with it?

Gordo said...

Yes I would read a blog like that!

Anonymous said...

It makes me despair...i'm in the police...i'm a single parent who has worked frntline for over 20 years doing shifts....and i'm a single parent. My wife died a few years ago.

Trouble is, i'm white heterosexual and conscientious. The job does not owe me a living, some of these women seem to expect...and ive heard married women in the force say it...they deserve more time off as they have children. Equality my arse....when you multiply this across the country you can see why there are so few of us to deal with anything.

If i did what she did i would be thrown out....and piss taking is part of the culture....our long as it aint threatening or can she be a frontline officer dealing with scum if she cant take a bit of banter....i despair.

JuliaM said...

"Did it occur to you that perhaps she's a single parent because her partner may have died?"

It did, briefly. But then I find that usually, where that's the case, the MSM uses the term 'widow' or actually states that thats the case...

Anonymous said...

Another diversity and equality scheme reaches its natural conclusion.

Budvar said...

Peter green. I can safely say without fear of contradiction that if it were the case that her partner had died, we'd be hearing the words "Widows and orphans" being banded about.

Further more, I'm so sure she isn't widowed that I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is and wager a nice crisp purple Adam Smith straight out the cash machine. You willing to take that bet?

I wont be holding my breath!!

Anonymous said...

Any police supervisor who tried to take on this type of piss-taking would be writing his/her own resignation letter.
If I had a £ for every story like this that doesn't make the press I would be a rich man.

Anonymous said...

Any supervisor that takes a stand against this sort of piss-taking is writing his own resignation letter in the police.

Gordo said...

She was transferred to a team under the control of a female non-white Inspector, of whom she said:

“She would always make me feel extremely uncomfortable about sometimes having to take time off to care for my daughter. Her behaviour was undermining and controlling.”

No pleasing some people is there?

MTG said...

No invitation to 'fill yer boots' today, Jaded? Perhaps the career challenged WPC has the consolation of an invite to the big reception.

MTG said...

Or taking a sickie.

Ancient and tattered airman said...

What a record of devotion and loyalty to the police service, I don't think! Still, quota's have to be filled I suppose.

blueknight said...

someone once said that the Police don't employ 'minorities', they collect them.

Captain Haddock said...

When you equip certain sections of society with an array of big "sticks" .. is it any wonder that they tend to hit you over the head with them, when it suits ?

JuliaM said...

"...and piss taking is part of the culture....our culture..."

Yes, it's never expected that anyone else has a responsibility to respect our culture, is it? It's strictly a one-way street.

"If I had a £ for every story like this that doesn't make the press I would be a rich man."

Ah, yes. The quiet transfer didn't work in her case, though, did it?

"someone once said that the Police don't employ 'minorities', they collect them."

I think that's the case for just about every government service. Gotta catch 'em all!

"When you equip certain sections of society with an array of big "sticks" .. is it any wonder that they tend to hit you over the head with them, when it suits ?"

Nope. It's amazing that the progressives couldn't see it coming.

Or perhaps they could?

Anonymous said...

Dear Melvin,as i'm only a lowly plod I don't understand your comment about " fill your boots".Please explain (in English not Latin and use use small words).