Monday 19 December 2016

On The Eighth Day Of Brexit, The Metro 'Letters' Page Gave To Me…

...bitter hysterical Remainers.

Also judicial activism cheerleaders, wild Utopian dreamers, readers cottoning on, dire 'racism' predictions, touching faith in 'experts', stroppy democracy deniers and baffled angry voters.


Antisthenes said...

The evidence for this damning comment comes from where? The writer provides none and if challenged I seriously doubt that he could produce any.

Tim Newman said...

Of all the Remainers I've heard whining on Facebook, not one of them speaks a European foreign language and their interaction with Europe consists solely of going there on holiday. None of their children are being pushed to learn French or German either.

Demetrius said...

When in the British Army of Occupation I thought that a free Europe was a good idea, if we were in charge and running the shop, that is. Sadly, our politicians allowed the West Germans to have sovereignty and it has all been down hill since. The Euro was the DM writ large and now the Euro is bust so is the EU and by extension Germany. Not to worry, Putin may save us from ourselves.

Ed P said...

The usual mental confusion, betwen Europe and the EU. Mr Donne-thinking is an idiot, in the true meaning of the word.

Anonymous said...

I think this man would discover that jailing many millions of people -- which will require lots of new prisons, warders, food, etc, -- would really ruin the country financially.

I am also intrigued on what charge would be good for the courts to find so many guilty of being sent to jail. Like most leavers I tend to regard the retainers as not very bright, and while that isn't a crime I do wonder if they are nearer to a real crime. I believe that working to subvert one's own nation or seeking to hand control of it over to another power is pretty close to treason.

Anonymous said...

If I'm feeling down I always remind myself that now we have left the asylum we can't get back in except via the provisions of Article 49, the Article no-one talks about. The rejoining criteria are the full on, hard core, EU fascist package including compulsory adoption of the Euro as our currency.
Then I feel a warm glow.

Of course, there won't be an EU to rejoin. Without mug English taxpayers to keep picking up the tab the whole, vile junket will self implode.

Anonymous said...

This post is so shot through with stupidity and ignorance that it really needs fisking.

"Leave campaigners should all go to jail"

Yes, imprisoning people who disagree with you on political matters is a very noble thing to do. However, if you actually had the facts on your side this would be unnecessary.

"They have ruined this country, financially and morally"

The climate change act has been the single thing that has been most damaging to this country's finances. Deciding to end our relationship with the money pit that is the EU, less so. As for the moral issue, I have no idea what he means.

"I feel most sorry for the young people who have known nothing else but the freedom to be a European. This has now been ripped away from them."

Or it could be that they have been saved from being sucked into a totalitarian socialist state where they would be condemned to queue for basic commodities and would have no way of removing their utterly incompetent government because their vote has been deliberately rendered worthless.


Andy said...

That's the way I see it, Anonymous above. By definition a socialist is a traitor unless he is a national socialist. That gets their nickers in a twist.

Lynne at Counting Cats said...

Joined up thinking - he's doing it wrong. Actually the idiot isn't doing it at all. The readers of Metro make the readers of National Enquirer look and sound erudite.

Greencoat said...

It’s a fair cop, Guv. I’ll come quietly.

Scrobs. said...

Or perhaps 'The Framley Examiner', Lynne!

mike fowle said...

"The climate change act has been the single thing that has been most damaging to this country's finances. Deciding to end our relationship with the money pit that is the EU, less so. As for the moral issue, I have no idea what he means."

The EU shovels heaps of taxpayers' money (i.e. ours) to Green groups, this enables them to campaign for more and more daft and expensive legislation which the EU then introduces in response to demand!

JuliaM said...

"Of all the Remainers I've heard whining on Facebook, not one of them speaks a European foreign language and their interaction with Europe consists solely of going there on holiday."

I wonder what the percentage is of those who even have that..?

" The Euro was the DM writ large and now the Euro is bust so is the EU and by extension Germany. Not to worry, Putin may save us from ourselves."

He'd better hurry!

"... Article 49, the Article no-one talks about..."

Quite! These aren't scholars.

"The EU shovels heaps of taxpayers' money (i.e. ours) to Green groups, this enables them to campaign for more and more daft and expensive legislation which the EU then introduces in response to demand!"

With no actual change to the climate as a result!