Monday 12 December 2016

On The First Day Of Brexit, The Metro 'Letters' Page Gave To Me…

...baffled angry voters.


Anonymous said...

I never understand what my mortgage meant when I signed it. Nick Clegg is right. The Building Society should just give me my house and let me off the rest of the payments

Greencoat said...

I never understood what 'getting married’ meant!

Now I’ve got this woman living in my house, expecting me to talk to her, waiting for me to come home every night, moaning about my girlfriends and lecturing me about ‘respect’ and ‘honesty’.

Why didn’t someone explain!

proglodyte said...

Anonymous said...

Because we did not get it right the first time. (I don't think so!)

John M said...

"Dear Metro,
Despite politicians talking about little else for at least 6 months, wall to wall coverage in the media, leaflets through the letterbox and advertising campaigns for both sides, I am forced to admit that I am a complete fuckwit because I don't know what I was voting for.

Mr Fuckwit McFuckwitted."

Andy said...

That's democracy for you. One person, one vote. It doesn't matter if you are clinically thick or have a brain the size of a small planet, you all get the same one vote. This bloke has convinced me that I voted on the side of the clever people.

Anonymous said...

"Because we did not get it right the first time."

This seems to be the EU way, we have a vote and if the plebs get the answer wrong we make them vote again. If they still get the answer wrong we make them vote again until they get it right. The thing that baffles me is, how come this strategy actually works? What kind of bovine idiots vote one way and then, after being told by mindless politicians that that was the wrong answer, then vote the other way?

Speaking for myself, I had no idea that voting to leave the EU meant that I was voting to leave the EU. Why did nobody tell me? If only I had Known I would have obviously voted to stay, that was obviously what I actually wanted when I voted to leave.


Lynne at Counting Cats said...

Don't sweat it. It'll be some dimwitted Metro staffer trying to make his cock of an editor happy. Who the hell reads the rag anyway?

Lord T said...

As soon as they said Nick Glegg is right then it was clearly the words of a madman.

Anonymous said...


Just to add to Lynne's excellent comments, the Sudoku, crossword and in the bin at Blackfriars. If anyone from the Metro is reading this, the crossword and Sudoku in the Standard is much better, they also have code word. The standard of journalism is a bit better but the letter writers are equally moronic.

JuliaM said...

"Nick Clegg is right. The Building Society should just give me my house and let me off the rest of the payments"

Good luck with that!

"It doesn't matter if you are clinically thick..."

That must be the 'Metro Letters' page motto!

"Don't sweat it. It'll be some dimwitted Metro staffer trying to make his cock of an editor happy."

I don't think they need to bother. This is, as you may have guessed, no 1 in a series... ;)

" If anyone from the Metro is reading this, the crossword and Sudoku in the Standard is much better.."

Ouch! Cutting... ;)