Sunday 1 September 2024

Errr, Other Way Round, Surely?


*sigh* Modern 'journalism' at the Liverpool 'Echo'...

But then, who's surprised?


Anonymous said...

Dozens of people took to social media because they don't know what thunder is? People really are getting progressively more stupid, is it something in the water? Something must be causing it.

DiscoveredJoys said...

We were 'alerted' to thunderstorm weather but none turned up. I wonder what other things the Met Office gets wrong?

John Tee said...

"I wonder what other things the Met Office gets wrong?"

Pick a day a couple of weeks in the future. Every day look at the forecast for that day. You will find it is going to rail, it is going to be dry, it is going to be a heatwave, it is going to be colder than usual, there will be gale force winds and there will be flat calm.

They are right and they are wrong, whatever happens.

Anonymous said...

Unless my memory is finally failing me, Leasowe is the other side of the Mersey from Aigburth...

I was at a gig in Halifax on Thursday and the weather was delightful. Woke up in morning back in Bradistan and there were trees down everywhere. I call bullsh*t

JuliaM said...

"People really are getting progressively more stupid..."

I think they always have been, it's just that social media means they are no longer able to hide.

"They are right and they are wrong, whatever happens."

We are better off with this, I guess.

"I was at a gig in Halifax on Thursday and the weather was delightful. Woke up in morning back in Bradistan and there were trees down everywhere."

I've crossed the Thames from the south side where it was raining, north side dry as a bone...