Tuesday 10 September 2024

Translation: "Oh No! We Accidentally Said The Quiet Bit Out Loud!"

Jewish organisations last night slammed an NHS Trust after an email urged its staff to boycott antisemitism awareness training. Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust provoked outrage after it published a statement in its weekly newsletter warning staff 'not to attend' an 'inappropriate' session led by the Antisemitism Policy Trust (APT).

Whoops! Never commit stuff like that to print, chaps! Haven't you heard the term 'plausible deniability'? 

An email — sent by an employee from the Trust's diversity team — followed a handful of complaints about the APT made via the Black Minority Ethnic network. Claire Murdoch, chief executive of the Trust, interrupted her holiday to personally telephone the head of the APT and apologise for the egregious 'error'.In an email seen by the Daily Mail, she told staff that the statement about the training had been made in 'error' after it had not 'gone through our usual sign-off process'.

Well, someone's face is red...or black or brown, I guess. 

She added: 'I have asked that colleagues look into how such a message was communicated in error and we will get to the bottom of it.'There have been a small number of concerns raised by some individuals via the BAME network with the Trust about the antisemitism training.
'This will be properly investigated - which is the right and proper thing to do - and will be shared both with the APT and NHS England.
'I have personally telephoned the chief executive of APT this morning to apologise for what I can only describe as poor process and error on our part.'

And not a slip-up exposing your true feelings? 

It is unclear if the person responsible for adding the statement to the newsletter will face any disciplinary action or will be required to attend the antisemitism training themselves.

I'm betting the answer's 'no' to both. 


James Higham said...

It’s all too exhausting for me.

Smudger said...

I miss the times when English people were all English.

Doonhamer said...

Why have we even got, and pay for, a National Health Service Foundation Trust?
What exactly is it, and what does it do?
Of course the Chief Executive is of the female gender. We are not told her other DEI attributes. But it is impressive that she has the private phone number of the Head of the AntiSemitism Policy Trust on the phone she takes on holiday with her.
What is Anti-Semitism anyway? Have there been organisations devoted to ridding the world of Maltese? As well as a host of other North African and other Middle East natives?

Anonymous said...

Racism is bad full stop! Oh, apart from being racist about the race that we absolutely effing hate, that kind of racism is absolutely OK and saying it isn't will get you into serious trouble. What, we are being racist and racism is bad, oh no, cognitive dissonance.

These people are beyond parody.

Bucko said...

They shouldn't have to attend training in any kind of race mongering bollocks, but sauce for the goose etc. I assume whoever is responsible will be binned immediately, just like any white perosn who displays a hint of anything that could be twisted into 'racism'

Anonymous said...

While some numpty of an MP gets preferential medical treatment from a Palestinian doctor for supporting the Gazans in Palestine, am now waiting for a Jewish person being refused medical treatment for wanting the raped, tortured, and starved, hostages released from the clutches of Hamas.
Mengele would be proud.I

Steven said...

I always thought that dversity and anti-something-something training was pretty much mandatory in the hallowed halls of the NHS? Unless, of course, it's about "them". Can't have "them" getting in on the whole tolerance shindig, can we? Whomever "them" happens to be this week.

The Cowboy Online said...

And still they tell us how diversity is our strength.

JuliaM said...

"It’s all too exhausting for me."

Me too, a lot of the time.

"I miss the times when English people were all English."

Sadly, they are never coming back...

"Why have we even got, and pay for, a National Health Service Foundation Trust?
What exactly is it, and what does it do?"

Employs people who'd struggle to get a job in McDonalds?

"These people are beyond parody."

Sadly, yes. I don't know how 'The Onion' keeps going.

"They shouldn't have to attend training in any kind of race mongering bollocks, but sauce for the goose etc."

Yes, exactly!

"And still they tell us how diversity is our strength."

Are we listening anymore? I know I'm not.