Thursday 5 September 2024

Past Labour MPs Had Something Positive To Celebrate


Sir Keir Starmer could perhaps have timed it better. On the day that Oasis, the band that symbolised the mood of sunny optimism that swept Tony Blair to power in 1997, announced their reunion, the prime minister’s message to the nation was that things would get worse before they got better.

And he immediately set about making them worse, personally.  

Politically, it is quite a gamble. There haven’t been all that many Labour governments in the past 125 years, but they have tended to arrive in power accentuating the positive. That was true of Blair in 1997 and true of Harold Wilson in 1964. It was certainly true of Clement Attlee in 1945, who insisted – despite the country being skint at the end of the second world war – that there would be no going back to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

I think what's coming under Sir Kier Stalin will make the Great Depression look like a regretted week in Bognor... 

His argument is not just that Britain is in a mess after 14 years of Conservative government, but that the mess is even worse than Labour imagined when it was in opposition. The prime minister says the prisons are full to bursting and a harsh budget will be needed to repair the public finances, while the recent riots are evidence of a “societal black hole”.

Not for nothing are you dubbed 'Larry Idiot'. Don't look at what he says, look at what he does

If the prisons are full, why is he filling them with people whose crimes wouldn't normally rate a spell in the cells? If the public finances are so bad, why is he giving away money overseas? If there's a problem in society, why is he tinkering with inconsequentialities rather than trying to repair society?  


Anonymous said...

Not having an original thought in his head, Starmer is merely following the script laid out for him by his masters, all of whom hate this country.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Perhaps Labour can't be arsed to do the big stuff anymore? Relying on supranational bodies (UN, WHO, EU) to do the heavy lifting and take the blame for the 'big stuff'?

Doonhamer said...

He has only recently started wearing spectacles. Search if you don't believe.
These are the very latest Google Glasses, not yet released to the public.
It is through these that he gets his instructions from the WEF.
Sometimes you see him wince. This because his WEF controller can induce a high frequency variable voltage signal between the spectacle legs whenever he strays off message.
Some people believe that he is actually an updated AI version of Max Headroom with much improved

Doonhamer said...

He has only recently started wearing spectacles. Search for older pictures of him.
These are actually very advanced Google Glasses not yet available to the general public at any price.
It is through these that he receives his instructions from his WEF masters.
Sometimes you see him wince. This is because his WEF controller can induce a high frequency, variable voltage between the spectacle legs whenever he strays off message. Prove me wrong.
Some people surmise that he is actually an AI generated version of Max Headroom melded with the hologram Arnold Judas Rimmer resulting from 35 years of secret development. This hypothesis would be believable except for the total and impossible failure of the Charisma sector of the program. No software developer would ever release such a failed product.

Doonhamer said...

Apologies for repea..
Apologies for repeat comment. Comment disappeared so I tapped it out again.
Apologies for re....

JuliaM said...

"...Starmer is merely following the script laid out for him by his masters, all of whom hate this country."

The squeals of those who thought he'd usher in a land of milk and honey are music to my ears. Talk about buyer's remorse!

"Perhaps Labour can't be arsed to do the big stuff anymore?"

Governing is too much effort, compared to sniping from the sidelines.

"He has only recently started wearing spectacles. Search if you don't believe."

It comes to us all...

"Apologies for repeat comment. "

No worries!