Sunday 15 September 2024

Pulls It Out Of A What?!

I think the word they were grasping for was 'sheath'.


Anonymous said...

Instead of laughing at a dyslexic proof reader, perhaps we should be more concerned at the brazen action of a knife wielding thug?
It used to be said that an Englishman's home is his castle. In today's Britain, an Englishman's home is a target for any criminal who takes it upon themselves to act as they wish.
I have an American friend who once found himself in a similar situation. He called for his son, who was in the house, who stepped outside, holding his father's Glock automatic. The knife wielding man ran away and, as far as is known, never returned.
While not supporting the idea that everyone has a gun in their home, it should be permitted for homeowners to have the means to protect their property, and offer a deterrent to criminals, especially as the nearest Police station, or Police officer, is usually many miles, and hours, away. One deterrent could be to make trespass a criminal offence, rather than a civil one. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a machete. Suppose you'd expect a black bloke to have one.

James Higham said...

The glock approach is the right one. Or a sawn-off.

Anonymous said...

How dare that white man complain about being threatened with a machete? The person wielding had an ancestor 300 years that might have been a slave and this person was just taking revenge

Sgt Albert Hall said...

What a pity the father of the black burglar hadn’t pulled out or worn a sheath.