Wednesday 18 September 2024

More Proof They Are As Feral As Their 'Pets'...

...although the dogs are probably smarter: 

A woman made death threats to a judge after he ordered the destruction of her dangerous dogs just days after Liverpool's top judge revealed he had received threats following the recent sentencing of people involved in the violent disorder across Merseyside. Melissa Thorp, 50, took to TikTok to post drunken ramblings inciting violence against York Crown Court judge Simon Hickey and a police officer.
Nor is that even the most shocking thing:
The mum-of-one was jailed for two years at Leeds Crown Court.
Looking at the picture, the first thing that comes to mind is 'mum of one what?'
The general assistant of a cemetery (sic) was incensed by the destruction of her pet Blu and later deleted the posts once she "sobered up", the court was told, but the videos had already been viewed by several people who reported it to police. She was arrested and charged with sending communication threatening death or serious harm. She admitted the offence, which put her in breach of a suspended prison sentence for the original offences of being the owner in charge of a dangerous dog.

You may wonder why someone with her history got a suspended sentence in the first place: 

Thorp has convictions for 21 offences on a criminal record dating back over 30 years, the court heard. They include a previous malicious-communications offence, attempted robbery, carrying an offensive weapon, affray, threatening behaviour and criminal damage.

Just more evidence, if it were needed, of the sort of people who want to own dogs like these. 


Bucko said...

No, I'm not clicking the link to look at the picture. Not this time

The Jannie said...

Now we know where Pixar got the inspiration for the male lead in "UP!"

Anonymous said...

Once her modeling career went downhill so did her mental health probably