Friday 6 September 2024

News Manipulation

That was the headline for the story. So the casual viewer probably flicked past it without even noticing a crucial point - it should have said 'claimed', not 'revealed'. 

Those two words do not mean the same thing. As the article makes clear.

And yesterday, we had this:

Surely the word they were looking for there was 'murdered'? 

And it's not just the MSM, the locals are at it as well:

The 'victims' in this case were the thieves who stole the bike. Some might say that disqualified them from the status. 


Anonymous said...

Was there ever a time when the media wasn't selective in it's wording or descriptions?
Of course, I'm not referring to The Guardian, the seemingly last bastion of impartial reporting (do Lefties get sarcasm?).

JuliaM said...

"Was there ever a time when the media wasn't selective in it's wording or descriptions?"

Peobably not, it's just so blatant now.