Thursday 12 September 2024

They Aren’t Fleeing ‘War And Oppression’, Enver…

...not if they are coming from France. It's not that bad.
Labour will be at real risk of failing to reform the UK’s broken asylum system unless it challenges Tory rhetoric and stops focusing on the deportation of asylum seekers, the head of the Refugee Council has said.
Enver Solomon, the charity’s chief executive, said Keir Starmer must use the language of “compassion and humanity” in order to tackle the vilification of refugees.

That'll be hard, since he doesn't possess those qualities. 

The home secretary’s plans to expand detention without opening safe routes are “costly and unnecessary” and the government must instead accelerate grant rates for asylum claims to tackle the backlog and community tensions around asylum hotels, he said. There is growing concern from charities, unions and left-leaning MPs that the government is adopting the language and policies established by the Tories around asylum and immigration.

Yes, clearly, nothing will halt 'the vilification of refugees' like cramming even more of them into our towns against our wishes. 

Solomon said the Labour government had not yet challenged the political rhetoric that had contributed to the hatred and vilification of refugees. He said: “Angry talk of invasion, stopping the boats and labelling everyone as ‘illegal’ has raised the temperature and had the effect of stripping people fleeing war and oppression from the world’s trouble spots of their stories and humanity.

What 'stories'? The usual load of old flannel they tell the 'Guardian'? What 'humanity'? When they put their children's lives at risk by leaving a safe country? 

“The challenge now is to ensure that the language of compassion and humanity is adopted by all politicians, with government taking the lead.”
“The current private contractors have consistently failed to deliver and it’s now time to bite the bullet and end the contracts as soon as possible. The government must work hand in hand with councils to ensure they are fully equipped to house people in local communities in a safe and dignified way that ensures value for taxpayers’ money.

How will we ever know if we are getting that, when it becomes a state secret

“Following the riots, it is also vital that serious work is led by government on community cohesion, including a clear plan on refugee integration,” he said.

Stopping arresting them for protesting would be a good start.  


Michael said...

As I understand the current Law, it has been illegal to enter the UK without a Visa or by legal means. Thus any person attempting to enter without legal means. We are not required to allow anybody to enter without valid documentation. Many countries are capable of enforcing similar rules so why can't we? A person who breaks into my home does not become a member of my family nor do they gain rights to live in my home.

Bucko said...

The constant talk about safe routes gets tiresome. The only question we should be asking, is why they cross multiple friendly countries to come here. But we already know the answer. And the solution

Anonymous said...

People fleeing oppression try to take their families and loved ones with them, to keep them safe. Invaders tend to leave their families and loved ones behind, to keep them safe, until the invasion is successful.
Military strategies 101.

JuliaM said...

"A person who breaks into my home does not become a member of my family nor do they gain rights to live in my home."

Spot on! Same with the description of dinghyrapists as 'migrants'.

"...until the invasion is successful."

I think it already is.