Monday, 19 March 2012

"I wanna make a million dollars, I wanna live out by the sea..."

"Have a husband and some children, yeah, I guess I want a family."

So screams the headline, anyway. Luckily, the paper has elected not to name the head:
The Advertiser has withheld the name of the school and head teacher to protect the children.
Which also spares the blushes of the idiot, since there's no proof whatsoever that this is why they are tarts:
"What has shocked us is all these cases have come to our attention in the past six months – it must be more than a coincidence," she told the Advertiser.
You're a Croydon school. There's your coincidence!
The head teacher believes the "suffocating" cost of childcare may be pressuring some women.

A recent study found childcare in London costs an average of £119 per week for a child under two years old, a third higher than elsewhere in the UK.

"The cost of expensive childcare must be a factor," the head said.
Must it?

Of course, there's always a charity or two waiting like vultures:
Care, a charity that campaigns to end sexual exploitation in the UK, is alarmed.

Director Dan Boucher said: "Any new evidence that suggests mothers with no previous involvement in prostitution are selling themselves is
deeply concerning."
Is it? Well, how about you do some research, rather than rely on the suppositions and fevered imagining of the head nose-wiper?


Ten quid fumble said...

The problem with women selling themselves (or anyone else for that matter, let's not be sexist here) is that people may not be buying.

I doubt everyone wants to be with a woman who has to rush the last bit to collect her kids from school.

Unlike the telly tax or numerous other financial implications, there is no choice. You pay without play.

But a woman much worn down by raising kids... well, you pays your money, and takes your choice. Or not.

Woman on a Raft said...

"Prostitution to make ends meet".

That's the job mostly, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I am the head of the charity 'I want a shag and am prepared to pay for it'.

This news is deeply worrying as many of our members are looking at increased costs for shagging. We would call on the government to reduce or subsidise the cost of childcare for prozzies so our members are not disproportionately paying out.

I am also treasurer of the 'celibate club' and our members couldn't give a f***.

I am also secretary of the charity 'help men get jobs'. We are deeply concerned that men are not being treated equally and are not well represented in the prostitution industry. In fact research (mine) shows men get paid less for selling their bodies. We are very concerned....if not more so than anyone else with a grievance.

I am also head of the black and disabled victimhood group and we are deeply concerned that white women are doing better and making more money than us. We are deeply concerned....if i haven't said that before!

But as a citizen of this country.... i am not deeply concerned.

Sarton Bander said...

Plugging a hole in their finances!

Anonymous said...

Err, shouldn't the headline read:

"Croydon prostitutes turn to motherhood to get a free house, benefits, rights to stay in the country,......"

Hmm, here's an idea. Maybe if you turn back the clock to the days where the father was responsible for the children (legally, before the supposed millions of women using a child born of a British father as an excuse to get residence changed all that not that it stopped any of them) and specify some equality in the family courts (instead of the woman gets everything she wants, the man? responsibilities but no rights and therefore no incentive to have any involvement). Then we'd have none of those poor 'ladies' having to struggle to cope with looking after the kids whilst either having multiple (usually financially incentivised, some even professionally) partners, coping with their drug/alcohol problems and maintaining their social lives all whilst desperately seeking a few pennies to get a new iThing or whatever.

Captain Haddock said...

Unfortunately, Able .. your otherwise excellent idea is unlikely to bear fruit, for as long as this level of idiocy is permitted to continue unchallenged ..

blueknight said...

"Any new evidence that suggests mothers with no previous involvement in prostitution are selling themselves...
The one occasion when an amateur might be a better bet than a professional

blueknight said...

"Any new evidence that suggests mothers with no previous involvement in prostitution are selling themselves...
The one occasion when an amateur might be a better bet than a professional

andy5759 said...


This was linked on Crusader Rabbit's site:

You may find it interesting.

jaded said...

Why pay for something in Croydon you could probably get for a couple of alco-pops?

Anonymous said...


Thanks! I now feel even more depressed about this country than before. It is utterly beyond repair isn't it. Well done Labour, well done feminists - and they're both smuggly happy about the results too!

Piano wire is called for, whilst the damage is done and this won't help, at least I'd feel happier knowing the bucking fastards that did it received their well deserved rewards.

JuliaM said...

"That's the job mostly, isn't it?"


"But as a citizen of this country.... i am not deeply concerned."

Me neither.

"...all whilst desperately seeking a few pennies to get a new iThing or whatever."

Spot on!

JuliaM said...

"The one occasion when an amateur might be a better bet than a professional"

Heh! And as Jaded points out, cheaper...

"You may find it interesting."

I do indeed!

"It is utterly beyond repair isn't it."

I used to be optimistic. But now? Not so much...

Ian B said...

Ah, the Social Purity movement. 150 years, and still talking absolute bollocks. The depressing part is that people still listen to them.