Thursday, 22 March 2012

No Names, No Pack Drill…

Twelve men have been arrested after detectives uncovered what they believe to be an organised crime group selling young girls for sex.
We can’t know – until the names are released (assuming there’s not another press blackout) – what we’re dealing with here, but amidst all the backslapping and concerns for the children’s welfare expressed in the article, this little passage seems quite telling:
Sheila Taylor, director of the National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People, said: "As always, our concerns lie with the young people who have been victims and (we) are very pleased to see a complete multi-agency team approach to assisting the recovery of the young people. The experience of our members in the network is that both victims and offenders come from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds."
Why the need to tack that on, Sheila?

And why the need for this little snippet?
The trafficking allegations are not understood to involve children being transported into the country from overseas. Instead the charge relates to the alleged victims being moved from elsewhere in the UK.
One to watch…


Oldrightie said...

A police spokesmen is reported to have said that the perpetrators have "similarities" with other cases taking place in The Country.
I do so relish this joyous, fabricated and imported multi-culturalism.

Anonymous said...

The BBC are reporting it non=stop on all channels, all the time continuously, determined to keep the population fully informed at all costs. Nothing is hidden from us.Thanks BBC, so much part of our national treasure.

Anonymous said...

And yet another depressing episode reported at 'The Anger of a Quiet Man'....

DerekP said...

"...both victims and offenders come from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds."

Intentional or Freudian slip making an implication about cultural and social backgrounds:-
some are against paedophilia and rape (so wish to uncover and punish offenders, and protect the victims), while other cultural and social backgrounds...?

jaded said...

In my early police days this was an exclusively white crime,so much so that "other" groups of people I arrested used to throw this fact in my face.Not any more.
Nice to see more integration isn't it?

PJH said...

"Police were not willing to comment on the nationalities of any of the suspects but sources said many of the offences centred in or around the Oxford area."

blueknight said...

Police refused to comment on the ethnicity of the children or men involved, although it is understood that it bore similarities to other cases in the country. -says the Daily Mail

JuliaM said...

"I do so relish this joyous, fabricated and imported multi-culturalism."

WoaR points out that earlier, before hastily replacing it with a video of a police talking head saying bugger all, the 'Telegraph' illustrated their article with a stock 'hands in handcuffs' image.

The hands were, ummm, swarthy.

"Thanks BBC, so much part of our national treasure."

It's the unique way they're funded, you know!

Dr Evil said...

The aricle I read said that the men were of a similar origin to those in similar cases being hear in the UK. If that's true, then they will be Muslims and Pakistani or of Pakistani origin. Time will tell, I hope. But it could be blacked out. If so, that in itself is quite scandalous.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to note that the Police, and the press, don't really hesitate to say, "a white man of such and such an age........", etc, or "a local man from such and such a community..." but in this case, the fact that the offenders MAY BE multicultural means that the offenders MAY BE of a race or culture which dare not be mentioned as it is deemed inappropriate to cultural cohesion and anyone saying otherwise is a vicious racist who should be stoned whilst being hung upside down above a giant nan bread (oops, I may have given the game away). It has long been known that gentle(and I use the term loosely) men from climes other than these sceptic isles have cultivated females, usually, white and young and therefore promiscuous and no better than whores, for their own sexual pleasures - women of their own cultures requring to remain untouched until marriage. If this recent incidentis so, then for goodness sake, why not say so? The dangers of an increased racial tension following confirmation of the offenders identities is nothing compared to the destructive suspicion which breaks societies and communities apart. Whatever their racial or cultural identity, I hope that other members of their community fully support a prosecution and deny any form of acceptance of their behaviour. Mind you, I still think that Elvis Presley is alive and well and stacking trolleys for Tescos in Neasden!

Dr Cromarty said...

I lay a 50 quid bet that at least one of the following names features among the defendants if the case comes to court:
Ali, Aziz, Bilal, Abdul, Mohammed, Ahmend, Moazzem, Tariq, Khan, Asif, Ibrahim

I also lay the following bet: none of the defendants will be called:
James, John, Michael, Daffyd, Benedict, George, Patrick, Moshe, Avram, Itzack

JuliaM said...

" But it could be blacked out. If so, that in itself is quite scandalous."


"I lay a 50 quid bet that at least one of the following names features among the defendants if the case comes to court.."

Well, we'll have to wait and see, because they've been charged, but they are just 'men'.

Anonymous said...

Now if you'd said Anjum or Akhtar or Kamar you'd be already sitting on your £50.

But there's everything to play for, with many more to come.

Kevin said...

Now that six of them have been named, anyone even remotely surprised at the ethnic origin of those names? Anyone? No? Thought not.

JuliaM said...

Not in the slightest.