Tuesday 17 September 2024

I Guess, Looking At Her....

...a false claim for rape wouldn't have been believable, so a false claim of stabbing had to suffice:
Three teenagers were arrested after a 24-year-old PCSO was found with a 'serious' knife wound in her arm - but now she has been accused of stabbing herself in order to claim compensation. Olivia Morphew, 24, reported being knifed during an attack in Esher, Surrey in June 2023. Three teenage boys were arrested later that day in nearby Claygate on suspicion of attempted murder and a kitchen knife with a 9cm stainless steel blade was recovered at the scene.

Fast work for the cops!  

At the time, Surrey Police said it was 'appalled' by the alleged attack. However, it's now been alleged that PCSO Morphew stabbed herself and subsequently submitted a compensation claim for her injuries.


The former PSCO will now appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on Wednesday charged with perverting the course of justice, fraud and possession of a knife in a public place.

DEI hires. Are any of them any good? 


Anonymous said...

CSOs are as much use as a chocolate fireguard. They can't demand names, addresses, dates of birth, driving licence details, etc. They can't arrest anyone (though can 'detain' someone for up to 30 minutes - no one has ever been able to explain the difference). They don't do earlies, or nights and, when it's raining or cold, can usually be found, with a colleague, inside shopping centres on 'pickpocket and shoplifting prevention' patrols, often never too far from Greggs.
They were brought, on the cheap, in to try and fool the populace that there were more Police officers than there really were.
Individually, some were really nice people, taking the opportunity for employment which took child care and school holidays into account, though one CSO was so huge, she had to be driven to her beat, rather than walk to it, and then spent her shift inside the community centre.
Mind you, despite my county force having more than a 50% increase in Police officers, you still only see them driving past, double crewed, rather than walking a beat.
Twenty years out, and loving it.

Bucko said...

Hmm. They were arrested for Attempted Murder, not Wounding? I make the assumption then, that they were white boys