Monday, 29 March 2010

"Acutely conscious of the potential for tensions..."

As we are talking, Kathy Hornig, an animal welfare officer, is on a secret mission further downstream at a place called Black Bridge.

Here, another immigrant camp has been built amid high bushes near the river, and the occupants have been seen repeatedly taking swans from the water.

With the camp residents scattering as she approaches with other animal welfare officers, her mission is a success: she discovers the carcass of a mature, adult swan inside a plastic bag hanging from a tree branch by the camp.

Acutely conscious of the potential for tensions between locals and immigrants over the slaughter of British wildlife, the investigators removed the carcass of the dead swan for further tests to determine how it died.

'We've been aware of this [killing swans] going on for some time,' Ms Hornig said. 'The people trying to catch swans are causing them extreme distress. But I cannot say with 100 per cent proof that the swan was killed for food, nor will I speculate about why it was here. I do not want to make any further comment.'

The authorities aren't usually so reticent when they suspect people of heinous animal-related crime.


JohnRS said...

These are not just ordinary people......these are carefully encouraged, specially taxpayer funded, ethnic minority people.

woman on a raft said...

Suicide. That's what it will be.

nbc said...

Or self defence?

Sue said...

I would strongly suggest the authorities move these people as tensions between immigrants and locals IS strained.

What do they want, another race riot?

Trevor said...

You know you're getting older when... remember the time when it would have taken the bristling-with-nukes Soviet Union to stage a successful invasion, rather than Vodka-addled regressive hunter-gatherers.

JuliaM said...

"Suicide. That's what it will be."


"What do they want, another race riot?"

Maybe they do, Sue. Maybe they do...

"You know you're getting older when... remember the time when it would have taken the bristling-with-nukes Soviet Union to stage a successful invasion, rather than Vodka-addled regressive hunter-gatherers."

And also when the police would take immediate action, rather than wringing their hands and consulting their Diversity Officer for the right approach to ensure the proper cultural sensitivity...

Malthebof said...

It is easy 'Community Cohesion' copyright NuLab

Furor Teutonicus said...

when the police would take immediate action, rather than wringing their hands and consulting their Diversity Officer for the right approach to ensure the proper cultural sensitivity...

As the Moscow police are planning on doing with "certain groups" RIGHT this minute.