Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Politician's Promise...

...meet reality:
It has taken me some time to get to the bottom of this one. I phoned several of the largest corrugated iron manufacturers……and once we had got over the confusion caused by the fact that it is actually corrugated steel these days, though the name corrugated iron persists, they were as incredulous as I was.
Read the whole thing.

And next time a politician promises something, laugh. Laugh almost as hard as when a journalist tells you they are an accredited professional...


Angry Exile said...

Good grief.


James Higham said...

Britain has International agreements which govern the size and thickness of the corrugated sheets we are allowed to donate. Anything else would apparently cause confusion


lovegoats said...

We sent them our best wriggly tin?

JuliaM said...

Pretty unbelieveable, yes?